Import/Export SVG as Grease Pencil#
The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format is use for interchanging vector based illustrations between applications and is supported by vector graphics editors such as Inkscape, and modern browsers among others.
The exporter only works in Object Mode.
- menu:
- Resolución
Resolution for generated strokes.
- Escala
Generated strokes scale.
- menu:
- Objeto
Determine which objects include in the export.
- Activo:
Exporta sólo el objeto de Grease Pencil activo.
- Seleccionado:
Exporta todos los objetos de Grease Pencil seleccionados.
- Visible:
Exporta todos los objetos de Grease Pencil visibles en la escena.
- Muestreo
Precision for the stroke sampling. Low values mean a more accurate result.
- Rellenar
When enabled, Export the Grease Pencil strokes fill.
- Normalizar
When enabled, Export strokes with constant thickness.
- Recortar a cámara
When enabled, and camera view is active export only the strokes clipped from camera view.