Uzol Mierka prvkov#

Uzol Mierka prvkov.

The Scale Elements Node scales groups of connected edges and faces. When multiple selected faces/edges share the same vertices, they are scaled together. The center and scaling factor is averaged in this case.


Povrchová sieť

Štandardný vstup geometrie.


Whether to scale each edge or face. True values mean the element will be scaled, false means it will be unaffected.


The factor used to scale elements or groups of elements.


Origin of the scaling for each element. If multiple elements are connected, their center is averaged.

Os Len režim jednej osi

Axis in which to scale the element. This input is normalized internally, so the length does not matter.


Oblasť vplyvu

Typ prvku na transformáciu.

Plôška (Tvár):

Scale individual faces or neighboring face islands.


Scale individual edges or neighboring edge islands.

Režim mierky

V každom smere mení mierku prvky rovnakým koeficientom.

Jedna os:

Scale elements in a single direction defined by the Direction input.


Povrchová sieť

Štandardný výstup geometrie.



The node is useful when combined with the Uzol Vysunúť povrchovú sieť, especially in Individual mode, where face islands don’t need to be scaled together.