- Mode(モード):
Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Converts the selected mesh or text object into a curve object.
For mesh objects: Only loose edges (edges not part of any faces) will be included in the conversion.
For text objects: The text is converted into curve outlines, preserving its shape.
The resulting curve will be Poly Curve by default. To create smooth segments, convert the curve to a Bézier Curve using Set Spline Type(スプラインタイプを設定).
- Mode(モード):
Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil(グリースペンシル)¶
- Mode(モード):
Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Converts the selected curve, mesh, or text object to a Grease Pencil object, generating strokes that follow the original shape. Basic materials are also created. When multiple objects are selected, they are combined into a single Grease Pencil object.
- Keep Original(オリジナルを保持)
Keeps the original object by creating a duplicate before conversion.
- Thickness(幅)
Defines the stroke thickness.
- Stroke Offset(ストロークオフセット)
Adjusts the offset to separate strokes from filled areas.
- Export Faces(面をエクスポート)
Converts mesh faces into filled strokes.
Trace Image to Grease Pencil(グリースペンシルへ画像をトレース)¶
- Mode(モード):
Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Convert to Mesh Plane¶
- Mode(モード):
Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Converts the selected image empty to a textured mesh plane.
For a description of the options see Mesh Plane.