The Smooth Modifier changes the value of one or more stroke/points properties like: location, strength, thickness or UV texture position trying to maintain similar values that make the line fluid and smoother.

Smooth Modifier.¶
- Affect(影響)
Combination of stroke/points properties that will be affected by the smooth factor.
- Position(位置):
Smooth affect the point location.
- Strength(強さ):
Smooth affect the point strength (opacity).
- Thickness(幅):
Smooth affect the point thickness.
- UV:
Smooth affect the point UV rotation.
- Factor(係数)
Strength of the smooth effect.
- Repeat(リピート)
The number of smoothing iterations, equivalent to executing the Smooth tool multiple times. High values can reduce the animation performance (FPS).
- Keep Shape(形を保持)
When enabled, the smoothing algorithm will try to maintain as close as possible the overall shape of the original stroke.
- Smooth Ends
Smooth the ends of the strokes.
See Influence Filters.