- Mode(モード):
- Tool(ツール):
Measure(メジャー) ツールは、シーン内に線をドラッグすることで距離や角度を測定するインタラクティブなツールです。ジオメトリへの Snap(スナップ) 機能を有効にして計測精度を高めたり、壁の厚さを測るといったこともできます。 Measure(メジャー) ツールはToolbar(ツールバー)からアクセスできます。

Measure(メジャー) ツールの例。¶
Measure(メジャー) を使用する一般的な手順は次のとおりです:
Toolbar(ツールバー) から Measure(メジャー) ツールをアクティブにします。
Drag either end of the ruler to move it.
Holding Ctrl while moving enables snapping to edges and vertices.
Holding Shift while moving lets you measure the distance between faces. This only works well with parallel faces, e.g. walls.
Click on the midpoint of a created ruler to convert it to a protractor. The midpoint can then be dragged just like the endpoints.
A selected ruler can be deleted with Delete or X. To delete all measurements, delete the "RulerData3D" layer in the
panel (see image above).
All measurements are hidden when another tool is selected. They are shown when the Measure tool is selected again. However, you can do editing operations while the ruler is active. For example, you can edit the rotation or scale of the selected object in the Sidebar.
Measurements do not appear in the Render output.
Unit settings and scale from the scene are used for displaying dimensions. Changing the unit system (metric, imperial), or the units of length (cm, m, ...) or angle (degrees, radians) will update the measurements.
In Edit Mode only, there is also a Measurement group in the Viewport Overlays popover. Using the settings in this group, you can have the viewport automatically display measurements for selected edges and faces, without the need to manually create a ruler.