Vector Math (ベクトル演算)ノード¶

Vector Math (ベクトル演算)ノードは、指定の数式演算を入力ベクトルに行います。
ノードの入力は動的です。一部の入力は、特定の操作で使用します。たとえば、 Scale 入力は Scale オペレーターでのみ使用できます。
- Vector(ベクトル)
Input vector
.- Vector(ベクトル)
Input vector
.- Scale(スケール)
Input Scale
- Operation(処理)
- Add(追加):
The sum of A and B.
- Subtract(減算):
The difference between A and B.
- Multiply(乗算):
The entrywise product of A and B.
- Divide(除算):
The entrywise division of A by B. Division by zero results in zero.
- Multiply Add(積和算):
The entrywise combination of the multiply and addition operations.
- Cross Product (外積):
The cross product of A and B.
- Project (プロジェクト):
- Reflect (反射):
- Refract:
For a given incident vector A, surface normal B and ratio of indices of refraction (IOR), refract outputs the refraction vector R.
- Faceforward:
Orients a vector A to point away from a surface B as defined by its normal C. Computes
.- Dot Product (内積):
The dot product of A and B.
- Distance(距離):
- Length(長さ):
The length of A.
- Scale(スケール):
The result of multiplying A by the scalar input Scale.
- Normalize(正規化):
The result of normalizing A. The result vector points to the same direction as A and has a length of 1. If A is (0, 0, 0), the result is (0, 0, 0) as well.
- Absolute(絶対):
- Minimum(最小):
The entrywise minimum value from A and B.
- Maximum(最大):
The entrywise maximum value from A and B.
- Floor(床):
Rounds the input value entrywise down to the nearest integer.
- Ceil(天井):
Rounds the input value entrywise up to the nearest integer.
- Fraction(小数部):
Returns the fractional part of the value entrywise.
- Modulo(剰余):
- Wrap(ラップ):
The entrywise output of a value between Min and Max based on the absolute difference between the input value and the nearest integer multiple of Max less than the value.
- Snap(スナップ):
- Sine(サイン):
The entrywise Sine of A.
- Cosine(コサイン):
The entrywise Cosine of A.
- Tangent(タンジェント):
The entrywise Tangent of A.
ノードの出力は動的です。演算子に応じて、ベクトルまたはスカラー値になります。たとえば、 Length 演算子はスカラー出力に、 Add 演算子はベクトル出力になります。
- Vector(ベクトル)
- Value(値)