
As projects involve increasingly high-resolution footage, the performance of the video preview can decrease drastically. To combat this, Blender can generate proxies -- copies of the original footage stored at a lower quality and/or resolution -- to maintain a smooth editing experience without compromising visual fidelity in the end result.

The quickest way to set up proxies for videos is to simply select a Proxy Render Size in the View tab (visible when the editor is in Preview or Sequencer & Preview mode). This will automatically enable the selected proxy resolution in all the strips and start generating the downscaled video files.

You can use the Proxy tab if you want to configure proxies in more detail (or create proxies for image sequences).

Proxy Settings



Sidebar region ‣ Proxy ‣ Proxy Settings

Contains scene-wide proxy settings.


How proxies are stored for the project.

Per Strip:

Each strip can specify where to store its proxies (see below).

Project (プロジェクト):

All proxies are stored in one directory.

Proxy Directory

The location to store the proxies for the project.

Set Selected Strip Proxies

Shows a pop-over that lets you choose the resolution(s) to generate and whether to overwrite existing proxy files. Once you confirm with the Set button, your choices are applied to the selected strips. You can view and tweak the settings for individual strips in the Strip Proxy & Timecode panel (see below).

In the Preview mode, where the Proxy tab is not available, this is instead done through the menu View ‣ Proxy ‣ Setup.

Rebuild Proxy and Timecode Indices

Generates proxies and time indices for the selected strips.

In the Preview mode, where the Proxy tab is not available, this is instead done through the menu View ‣ Proxy ‣ Rebuild.

Strip Proxy & Timecode



Sidebar region ‣ Proxy & Timecode ‣ Strip Proxy & Timecode


Contains strip-specific proxy settings. The checkbox in the header can be used to enable/disable proxy generation.

Custom Proxy

By default, all generated proxy videos are stored to the folder <path of original footage>/BL_proxy/<clip name>, but this can be changed to a custom directory using this option.


Allows you to use preexisting proxies.


The resolution(s) of the proxy videos to generate; multiple sizes can be selected.


Whether to overwrite existing proxy files or keep them.


Controls the level of lossy compression applied to the image, expressed as a percentage. Lossy compression reduces file size by discarding some image data, which may result in a loss of detail.

  • 0%: Maximum compression, producing the smallest file size but the most noticeable quality loss.

  • 100%: No compression, preserving full image quality at the cost of a larger file size.

Timecode Index

When you are working with footage directly copied from a camera without preprocessing it, there might be numerous artifacts, mostly due to seeking to a given frame in the sequence. This happens because such footage usually does not have correct frame rate values in the file header. This issue can still arise when the source clip has the same frame rate as the scene settings. In order for Blender to correctly calculate the frames and frame rate there are two possible solutions:

  1. MEncoderなどでビデオを前処理して、ファイルヘッダーを修復し、正しいキーフレームを挿入します。

  2. Use the Timecode Index option in Blender.


Ignore generated timecodes, seek in movie stream based on calculated timestamp.

Record Run(レコードラン):

Seek based on timestamps read from movie stream, giving the best match between scene and movie times.

Record Run No Gaps(レコードラン(ギャップなし)):

Effectively convert movie to an image sequence, ignoring incomplete or dropped frames, and changes in frame rate.


Record Run is the Timecode Index which usually is best to use, but if the source file is totally damaged, Record Run No Gaps will be the only chance of getting an acceptable result.