Line Art(ラインアート)¶
- Mode(モード):
Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)
- Panel(パネル):
The Line Art panel is used to enable extra display options for customizing Line Art rendering for a specific object.

Line Art(ラインアート) パネル。¶
- 使用方法
How the object is loaded into Line Art. This property overrides the parent collection's Line Art(ラインアート) usage.
- Inherit(継承):
No special loading strategy for Line Art. Loading of the object is controlled by parent collection's Line Art settings.
- Include(内容):
Force include the object into Line Art calculation even if its parent collection specifies otherwise.
- Intersection Only(交差のみ):
- Occlusion Only(遮蔽のみ):
- Exclude(排他):
The object will not be loaded into Line Art at all.
- No Intersection(交差なし):
- Force Intersection:
Generate intersection lines even with objects that disabled intersection.
- Override Crease(クリースをオーバーライド)
Allows the object to have a different crease value than the global one set in the Line Art modifier.
- Crease(クリース)
- Intersection Priority
Assigns an intersection priority value for this object. The intersection line will be included into the object with the higher intersection priority value.