Select Mode¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
- ショートカットキー:
1, 2, 3

Edit Mode selection buttons.¶
In Edit Mode there are three different selection modes. You can enter the different modes by selecting one of the three buttons in the header.
- Points(ポイント):
To select individual points.
- Strokes:
To select an entire stroke.
- Segments(セグメント):
To select all points that are between other strokes.

Points, stroke and in between stroke selection sample.¶
Select All/None/Invert¶
All these options have the same meaning and behavior as in Object Mode.
Select Random(ランダム選択)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Randomly selects unselected points or strokes.
- Ratio(比率)
The likelihood of an unselected elements being selected. Note that, this is not the percentage amount of elements that will be selected.
- Random Seed(ランダムシード)
疑似乱数ジェネレーターで使用される Seed(シード) 。
- Action(アクション)
Selection or deselection of elements.
Select Alternated¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Selects alternate points in the selected strokes.
Select More/Less(選択の拡大縮小)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
- ショートカットキー:
Ctrl-NumpadPlus 、 Ctrl-NumpadMinus
The purpose of these operators is to reduce or enlarge the current selection within a stroke (i.e. they will never "go outside" of a stroke or "jump" to another stroke in the same object).
- More(拡大)
For each selected point, select all its linked points (i.e. one or two...).
- Less(縮小)
For each selected point, if all points linked to this point are selected, keep this one selected. Otherwise, deselect it.
When all points of a stroke are selected, nothing will happen (as for Less, all linked points are always selected, and of course, More cannot add any). Conversely, the same goes when no points are selected.
Select Similar(類似選択)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
- ショートカットキー:
Select all strokes with similar characteristics.
- Mode(モード)
The characteristics to compare.
- レイヤー:
Selects all the points/strokes with a similar layer index.
- Material(マテリアル):
Selects all the points/strokes with a similar material index.
- Vertex Color (頂点カラー):
Selects all the points/strokes with a similar vertex color.
- Radius(半径):
Selects all the points/strokes with a similar stroke radius.
- Opacity(不透明度):
Selects all the points/strokes with a similar layer opacity
- Threshold(しきい値)
How similar the selection must be.
Select Linked(リンク選択)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
- ショートカットキー:
L 、 Ctrl-L
L (or Ctrl-L for all) will add to the selection the cursor's nearest control point, and all the linked ones, i.e. all points belonging to the same stroke.
Select First/Last¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
These operators will toggle the selection of the first or last point(s) of the stroke(s) in the object. This is useful to quickly find the start of a stroke.