


Edit Mode(編集モード)


Edge(辺) ‣ Subdivide(細分化)

Subdividing adds resolution to the mesh by dividing faces or edges into smaller units.

This process follows a few rules depending on the situation:

  • When only one edge of a triangle or quad is selected, that face is turned into a quad or N-gon respectively. If the Create N-Gons option is disabled, the face is split into triangles instead.

  • 面の2つの辺が選択されている場合:

    • If the face is a triangle, a new edge is created between the two new vertices, subdividing the triangle into a triangle and a quad.

    • If the face is a quad and the edges are neighbors, the face is split according to the Quad Corner Type setting (see below).

    • If the face is a quad and the edges are opposite, the quad is just subdivided in two quads by the edge linking the two new vertices.

  • 面の3つの辺が選択されている場合:

    • If the face is a triangle, this means the whole face is selected and it is subdivided into four smaller triangles.

    • 面が四角形の場合、最初に2つの反対側の辺が上記のように細分割されます。次に、 "中間" 辺が細分割され、上記のように1つの辺のみの新しい"サブ四角形" に影響を与えます。

  • When all four edges of a quad are selected, the face is subdivided into four smaller quads.

  • When one or more edges of an N-gon are selected, the individual edges will be subdivided but the face will stay unsubdivided.


These options are available in the Adjust Last Operation panel after running the operator:

Number of Cuts(分割数)

The number of cuts per edge to make. By default this is 1, cutting edges in half. A value of 2 will cut them into thirds, and so on.


Displaces subdivisions to maintain approximate curvature. The effect is similar to the way the Subdivision Surface(サブディビジョンサーフェス)モディファイアー might deform the mesh.




スムーズ なしの細分化。


スムーズ 1の細分化。

Create N-Gons

When unchecked, forces the subdivision to create triangles or quads instead of n-gons (see examples below).

Quad Corner Type

Controls the subdivision for quads with two selected, neighboring edges.

Inner Vertices(内部頂点)

The selected edges are subdivided, then an edge is created between the two new vertices, creating a small triangle. This edge is also subdivided, and the "inner vertex" thus created is linked by another edge to the one opposite to the original selected edges. This results in a triangle and two quads.


The selected edges are subdivided, then new edges are created between the new vertices as well as the existing outer vertices. This results in two triangles and a quad.

Straight Cut(ストレートカット)

The selected edges are subdivided, then an edge is created between the two new vertices, creating a small triangle and N-gon. If Create N-Gons is unchecked, this option works like Inner Vertices instead.


The quad is subdivided into a fan of a quad and two triangles, the common vertex being the one opposite to the selected edges.


Inner Vertices corner type.


Path corner type.


Straight Cut corner type.


Fan corner type.









Along Normal(法線に追従)



Along Normal set to 1.

Random Seed(ランダムシード)

Fractal(フラクタル) で使うノイズ関数のランダムシードを変更します。シード値ごとに異なる結果を生成します。



Below are some examples illustrating edge subdivision in various scenarios.





One edge.


Create N-Gons unchecked.



Two tri edges.


Create N-Gons unchecked.



Two quad edges.


Create N-Gons unchecked.



Inner Vertices corner type.


Create N-Gons unchecked.


Path corner type.


Create N-Gons unchecked.


Straight Cut corner type.


Create N-Gons unchecked.




Create N-Gons unchecked.

Three Quad Edges


Three edges.


Create N-Gons unchecked.

Full Triangle


Full triangle.


Create N-Gons unchecked.

Full Quad


Full quad.


Create N-Gons unchecked.




