3D Viewport(3Dビューポート)は3Dシーンを操作するための画面で、モデリングやアニメーション、テクスチャーペイントなど様々な目的に使われます。

Object Mode(オブジェクトモード)のヘッダー。¶
The header contains various menus and controls based on the current mode. Its items are split into three groups:
- Transform Orientation Comma
Used to change the Transform Orientation, which affects the rotation of the transform gizmo.
- Pivot Point Period
Used to change the Pivot Point, which affects the location of the transform gizmo.
- Snapping Shift-Tab
Offers options for snapping items to others that are nearby. You can hold Ctrl to toggle snapping on/off temporarily (as long as the key is held).
- Proportional Editing(プロポーショナル編集) O
Used to smoothly transform unselected items that are near the selected ones. See Proportional Editing(プロポーショナル編集).
- Object Type Visibility(オブジェクトタイプの可視性)
Change which types of objects are visible/selectable in the 3D Viewport. See Object Type Visibility.
- Viewport Gizmos(ビューポートギズモ)
Change how gizmos are displayed in the 3D Viewport.
- Viewport Overlays(ビューポートオーバーレイ)
Change how overlays are displayed in the 3D Viewport.
- X-Ray Alt-Z
Make the whole scene transparent, allowing you to see and select items that would otherwise be occluded. This is a shortcut to the X-Ray option inside the Viewport Shading popover.
In Pose Mode, this same button controls a different setting with its own separate on/off state. Rather than making the scene transparent, it shows the armature in front of any geometry.
- Viewport Shading(3Dビューのシェーディング)
3D Viewport(3Dビューポート)内での シェーディング を変更します。
The Toolbar contains tools depending on the current mode (for example, modeling tools in Edit Mode, brush tools in Sculpt Mode...).
詳細は ツール を参照してください。
Asset Shelf Region¶
Depending on the current mode, the asset shelf may be available, providing quick access to assets for this specific mode (for example pose assets in Pose Mode, brush assets in Sculpt Mode).
See Asset Shelf for more information.