Grease Pencil Menu¶
Strokes can be edited by transforming the locations of points.
Move, Rotate & Scale¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Tool(ツール):
Toolbar(ツールバー) ‣ Move(移動), Rotate(回転), Scale(スケール)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Transform ‣ Move, Rotate, Scale
- ショートカットキー:
G, R, S
Like other elements in Blender, points and strokes can be moved G, rotated R or scaled S as described in the Basic Transformations section. When in Edit Mode, Proportional Editing is also available for the transformation actions.
Transform Snapping¶
Basic move, rotate and scale transformations for selected points/strokes. See Move, Rotate, Scale Basics for more information.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Transform
- Tool(ツール):
Toolbar ‣ Bend/Shear
The Bend, Shear, To Sphere, Extrude and Shrink Fatten transform tools are described in the Editing tools section.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Mirror
- ショートカットキー:
The Mirror tool is also available, behaving exactly the same as with mesh vertices.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Snap
- ショートカットキー:
Mesh snapping also works with Grease Pencil components.
Active Layer(アクティブレイヤー)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode, Draw Mode
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Active Layer
- ショートカットキー:
Select the active layer.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Duplicate
- ショートカットキー:
Duplicates the selected elements, without creating any connections with the rest of the strokes (unlike Extrude, for example), and places the duplicate at the location of the original elements.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Copy
- ショートカットキー:
Copy the selected points/strokes to the clipboard.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Paste
- ショートカットキー:
Paste Grease Pencil points or strokes from the internal clipboard to the active layer.
- Paste on Back
Add pasted strokes behind all strokes.
- Keep World Transform
Keep the world transform of strokes from the clipboard unchanged.
Contains operators to adjust the visibility of points and strokes in the viewport.
Show All Layers¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Show/Hide ‣ Show All Layers
- ショートカットキー:
Shows all Grease Pencil layers.
Hide Active Layer¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Show/Hide ‣ Hide Active Layer
- ショートカットキー:
Hides the active Grease Pencil layers.
Hide Inactive Layers¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Show/Hide ‣ Hide Active Layer
- ショートカットキー:
Hides the all Grease Pencil layers except the active layer.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Separate
- ショートカットキー:
Separate the selected geometry into a new Grease Pencil object.
- Selected Points
Separate the selected geometry into a new object.
- Material(マテリアル)
Separates the geometry by each material.
- Active Layer(アクティブレイヤー)
Separate all the strokes in the active layer into a new object. See 2D Layers for more information.
Clean Up(クリーンアップ)¶
These tools help to cleanup degenerate geometry on the strokes.
Clean Loose Points¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Delete Loose Points
Removes strokes with only a few points.
- Limit(制限)
The number of points to consider a stroke as loose.
Delete Duplicate Frames¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Delete Duplicate Frames
Removes any duplicate keyframes.
Merge by Distance(距離でマージ)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Merge by Distance
Simplifies a stroke by merging the selected points that are closer than a specified distance to each other. Note, unless using Unselected, selected points must be contiguous, else they will not be merged.
- Merge Distance(結合距離)
Sets the distance threshold for merging points.
- Unselected(非選択部)
Allows points in selection to be merged with unselected points. When disabled, selected points will only be merged with other selected ones.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Clean Up ‣ Reproject
Sometimes you may have drawn strokes unintentionally in different locations in the 3D space but they look right from a certain plane or from the camera view. You can use Reproject to flatten all the selected strokes from a certain viewpoint.
- Reprojected Type
- Front(前):
Reproject selected strokes onto the front plane (XZ).
- Side(サイド):
Reproject selected strokes onto the side plane (YZ).
- Top(上):
Reproject selected strokes onto the top plane (XY).
- View(ビュー):
Reproject selected strokes onto the current view.
- Surface(サーフェス):
Reproject selected strokes onto the mesh surfaces.
- Surface Offset
When Surface Mode is activated controls the stroke offset from the object.
- Cursor(カーソル):
Reproject selected strokes onto 3D cursor rotation.
- Keep Original(オリジナルを保持)
Maintains the original strokes after applying the tool.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Delete
- ショートカットキー:
X 、 Delete
Opens a pop-up menu with operators to remove geometry from the grease pencil object.
- Frames(フレーム)
Deletes all the strokes at the current frame and in the current layer/channel.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Delete ‣ Delete
Deletes the selected points. When only one point remains, there is no more visible stroke, and when all points are deleted, the stroke itself is deleted.
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Delete ‣ Dissolve
- ショートカットキー:
Dissolving removes points between other points and connect the remaining points.
Ctrl-X Opens a pop-up to choose the dissolve type.
- Dissolve(溶解)
Deletes the selected points without splitting the stroke. The remaining points in the strokes stay connected.
- Dissolve Between
Deletes all the points between the selected points without splitting the stroke. The remaining points in the strokes stay connected.
- Dissolve Unselect
Deletes all the points that are not selected in the stroke without splitting the stroke. The remaining points in the strokes stay connected.
Delete Active Keyframe (Active Layer)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Delete ‣ Delete Active Keyframe (Active Layer)
Deletes all the strokes at the current frame in the active layer.
Delete Active Keyframes (All Layers)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Delete ‣ Delete Active Keyframes (All Layers)
- ショートカットキー:
Deletes all the strokes at the current frame in all layer.
Interpolate Sequence¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode, Draw Mode
- Menu(メニュー):
Grease Pencil ‣ Interpolate Sequence
See Interpolate Sequence.