Clean Up(クリーンアップ)¶
These operators can automatically clean up certain types of messy geometry.
Delete Loose(孤立を削除)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Deletes the selected vertices, edges, and optionally faces that aren't connected to anything.
Decimate Geometry(形状のポリゴン数削減)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Reduces the face count of the selected geometry while minimizing shape changes.
- Ratio(比率)
The target triangle count ratio. For example, enter 0.4 to keep collapsing edges until the triangle count is 40% of the original.
- Vertex Group(頂点グループ)
Use the active vertex group when choosing which edges to collapse. The higher the vertex weights for an edge, the more likely it is to be chosen, even taking priority over "better" (shorter) candidates.
- Weight(ウェイト)
Factor by which to multiply the vertex weights.
- Invert(反転)
Inverts the vertex weights, making edges with lower weights get collapsed first.
- Symmetry(対称)
X 、 Y 、 または Z 軸のいずれかで対称性を維持します。
The Decimate(デシメート)モディファイアー in Collapse mode performs the same operation non-destructively.
Degenerate Dissolve(大きさ0を溶解)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Collapses any selected edges that are shorter than a certain length. This also results in the removal of small faces.
If two vertices are near to each other but are not connected by an edge, they will not be merged; you can use Merge by Distance(距離でマージ) for that.
- Merge Distance(結合距離)
Edges shorter than this length will be collapsed.
Limited Dissolve(限定的溶解)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Make Planar Faces(面を平坦化)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Flattens the selected faces.
- Factor(係数)
The flattening strength for each iteration. Note that even a value of 1 may not be enough to get faces perfectly flat; you can increase the Iterations in that case.
- Iterations(反復)
Split Non-Planar Faces(非平面を分割)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Splits any selected faces that are bent beyond a given limit.
- Max Angle(最大角度)
Faces that are bent by more than this angle will be split.
You can use Rotate Edge(辺を回転) if you'd rather have certain newly created edges point in a different direction.
Split Concave Faces(凹面を分割)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Splits any selected concave faces so that only convex ones remain.
Merge by Distance(距離でマージ)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Merges the selected vertices that are closer to each other than a certain distance.
- Merge Distance(結合距離)
Vertices closer than this distance will be merged.
- Unselected(非選択部)
Allow merging selected vertices with unselected ones.
- Sharp Edges(シャープな辺)
Mark edges as sharp if they have split custom normals.
The Weld(溶接)モディファイアー performs this operation non-destructively.
Fill Holes(穴をフィル)¶
- Mode(モード):
Edit Mode(編集モード)
- Menu(メニュー):
Fills each hole in the selected geometry with a face.
- Sides
The maximum number of sides: if a hole has more edges than this number, it will not be filled. You can set this limit to 0 to fill all holes.
If you have a large hole with many edges, Grid Fill(グリッドフィル) may be a better option.