Point Menu#

Экструдировать (extrude)#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Точка ‣ Вытянуть

Инструмент (tool):

Toolbar ‣ Extrude

Горячая клавиша:


Extrudes points by duplicating the selected points, which then can be moved. The new points stay connected with the original points of the edit line.


Since Grease Pencil strokes can only have one start an end point, a new stroke will be created when extrude intermediate points in the strokes.

Сглаживание (smooth)#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Точка ‣ Сгладить

Softens strokes by reducing the differences in the locations of the points along the line, while trying to maintain similar values that make the line fluid and smoother.

Повторять (repeat)

The number of times to repeat the procedure.

Коэффициент (factor)

The amount of the smoothness to apply.

Selected Points

When enabled, limits the effect to only the selected points within the stroke.

Положение (position)

When enabled, the operator affect the points location.

Толщина (thickness)

When enabled, the operator affect the points thickness.

Сила (strength)

When enabled, the operator affect the points strength (alpha).

UV (UVs)

When enabled, the operator affect the UV rotation on the points.

Объединить (merge)#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Point ‣ Merge

Combine all selected points into a unique stroke. All the selected points will be connected by new edit lines when needed to create the new stroke.