Данные объекта (object data)#

Меши (meshes)

The mesh Data-Block Menu can be used to link the data between objects.

Группы вершин (vertex groups)#

Vertex groups can be used to assign a group or weighted group to some operator. An object can have several weight groups and can be assigned in Weight Paint mode, or in Edit Mode via this panel.

See Vertex Groups for more information.

Shape Keys#

Shape Keys can be used to transform one shape into another. See Shape Keys Panel for more information.

UV Maps#

UV Maps are used to map a 3D object onto a 2D plane that determines where a texture appears on the 3D object. Different UV Maps can be used for different textures. For more information see UV Maps.

Активный атрибут цвета (active color attribute)#

Color data can be applied directly to an object’s vertices rather than using a texture or a material. There are two modes to paint color attributes in. Use Vertex Paint mode to paint per face corner by enabling the paint mask in the header. This is useful to achieve sharp edges in the color attribute on low-poly assets. Alternatively use Sculpt mode to paint on a much higher vertex count.

Creating a New Color Attribute#

To create a new Color Attribute select the plus icon next to the list of attributes. This action will open a pop-up with the following information.

Имя (name)

The name of the Color Attribute which can be referenced elsewhere in Blender.

Домен (domain)

The associated part of the geometry that stores the attribute. See Домены атрибутов for more information.

Вершина (vertex):

Color Attributes are stored per each vertex.

Угол грани (face corner):

Color Attributes are stored per each corner of a face.

Тип данных (data type)

The data type to represent colors internally.

Цвет (color):

RGBA color with floating-point precision.

Byte Color:

RGBA color with 8-bit precision.

Цвет (color)

The default color to fill for every element in the domain.

Color Attribute Specials#

These are operators that are available in the menu to the right of the attribute list.

Duplicate Color Attribute

Создаёт копию активного атрибута цвета в списке.

Convert Color Attribute

Changes how the color attribute is stored.

Домен (domain)

The associated part of the geometry that stores the attribute. See Домены атрибутов for more information.

Вершина (vertex):

Color Attributes are stored per each vertex.

Угол грани (face corner):

Color Attributes are stored per each corner of a face.

Тип данных (data type)

The data type to represent colors internally.

Цвет (color):

RGBA color with floating-point precision.

Byte Color:

RGBA color with 8-bit precision.

Атрибуты (attributes)#

An attribute is data stored per mesh element. Every attribute has a data type, domain and name. This panel only lists custom attributes which excludes all the built-in attributes like position and other attributes like vertex groups.

See Attributes Reference for more information.

Texture Space (Текстурное пространство)#

Each object can have an automatically generated UV map, these maps can be adjusted here.

See Generated UV Properties for more information.


Mesh objects, in particular meshes that have been modeled to represent organic objects, often have geometry that is not particularly uniform. This can cause problems if the object needs to be rigged or just needs simpler geometry for workflows such as 3D printing. Remeshing is a technique that rebuilds the geometry with a more uniform topology. Remeshing can either add or remove the amount of topology depending on the defined resolution. Remeshing is especially useful for sculpting, to generate better topology after blocking out the initial shape.

See Mesh Retopology for more information.

Geometry Data#

Mesh objects can have different types of custom data attached to them. This data is mostly used internally and can be exported by some exporters. See Geometry Data for more information.