Примитивы (primitives)#


Режим (mode):

Объектный и Редактирования (object mode и edit mode)


Добавить ‣ Кривая Add ‣ Curve

Горячая клавиша:



При добавлении кривых есть некоторые общие параметры, которые дают возможность изменять объект.

In Object/Edit Mode, the Add Surface menu, provides six different surface primitives:


NURBS surface primitives.#


NURBS curve primitives.#

Кривая NURBS (Nurbs сurve)#

Adds a generic curve of four control points forming an arc.

Окружность NURBS (Nurbs circle)#

Adds an a closed loop of control point forming a circle. Note, a circle NURBS surface is never filled, unlike its «real» curve counterpart…

NURBS Surface#

Adds a generic surface patch consisting of a 4×4 grid plane with the center grid slightly raised.

NURBS Cylinder#

Adds an open end cylinder, consisting of an extruded NURBS Circle.

NURBS Sphere#

Adds a generic sphere constructed by revolving a grid of control points about an axis.

NURBS Torus#

Adds a doughnut-shaped primitive created by rotating a circle around an axis.