
This feature is currently experimental and not available in current releases.

Облако точек (point cloud)#

Point clouds can be used to represent 3D scans and in the future can represent particles. Each point can store data in a set of Attributes.


Example of a monkey object represented as a point cloud.#

Свойства (properties)#

Атрибуты (attributes)#

The Attributes panel contains different point cloud characteristics such as the position and size of points. Use the List View to manage attributes.

Attribute Types#


See Встроенные атрибуты for information about common attributes.

Имя (name)

Тип (type)

Домен (domain)


position (положение)



Built-in attribute describing vertex or point locations, in the modifier object’s transform space.

radius (радиус)



The radius of each point.

color (цвет)



The color of each point.

id (идентификатор)



A unique identifier given to each particle.

velocity (скорость)



The speed and direction that the particle is traveling.

Пользовательские атрибуты

Custom attribute can be given to particles to hold a custom characteristic.

Имя (name)

The name of the attribute.

Тип данных (data type)

The type of data to store in the attribute.

Нецелое (float):

Значение с плавающей запятой (float)

Целое число (integer):

32-битное целое (integer)

Вектор (vector):

3D вектор со значениями с плавающей запятой

Цвет (color):

Цвет RGBA с точностью до чисел с плавающей запятой

Байтовый цвет (byte color):

RGBA color with 8-bit precision

Строка (string):

Text string

Домен (domain)

The type of element the attribute is stored in. Currently, attributes can only be stored per Point.

Пользовательские свойства#

См. страницу Пользовательские свойства для получения дополнительной информации.

Редактирование (editing)#

Currently, not much can be done with point clouds; however, they can be converted to/from meshes.