Ray Portal BSDF#

Duy Cycles (Cycles Only)

The Ray Portal BSDF node transports rays that enter to another location in the scene. It can be used to render portals for visual effects, and other production rendering tricks.

It acts much like a Transparent BSDF: render passes are passed through, and it is affected by light path max transparent bounces.

Đầu Vào (Inputs)#

Màu Sắc (Color)

Tint rays passing through the portal.

Vị Trí (Position)

Ray start position at new location. Defaults to the current position, matching the Position output of the Geometry node.

Chiều Hướng (Direction)

Ray direction at the new location. Defaults to the current view direction, which is the same as the negation of the Incoming output of the Geometry node.

Tính Chất (Properties)#

Nút này không có tính chất nào cả.

Đầu Ra (Outputs)#

Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function: Hàm Phân Bổ Tán Xạ Hai Chiều

Đầu ra chuẩn của bộ tô bóng.