Hiển Thị Cổng Nhìn (Viewport Display)¶
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Chế Độ (Mode):
Chế Độ Đối Tượng (Object Mode)
- Panel (Bảng):
This panel lets you configure display options for the 3D Viewport.
- Hiển Thị (Show)
- Tên (Name)
Displays the object's name in the 3D Viewport.
- Trục (Axes)
Displays an object similar to an empty that shows the object's orientation.
- Khung Dây (Wireframe)
Displays the object's wireframe on top of the solid display.
- Toàn Bộ các Cạnh (All Edges)
Displays all wireframe edges. This overrides the wireframe threshold that you can set in the 3D Viewport's overlay settings.
- Texture Space (Không Gian Chất Liệu)
Displays the object's Texture Space.
- Ngả/Bóng Tối (Shadow)
Cho phép đối tượng ngả bóng trong cổng nhìn.
- Ở Đằng Trước (In Front)
Makes the object display in front of others. Unsupported for instanced objects. Limited support in the Material Preview and Rendered shading modes (works for e.g. armatures, but not for meshes).
- Hiển Thị là (Display As)
Lets you display the object with less detail, going from removing the textures to only showing a bounding box. This can be useful if you have a high-poly object that is slowing down the viewport.
- Màu Sắc (Color)
The object's color in the Wireframe and Solid viewport shading modes. Used when the viewport's (Wire) Color shading option is set to Object.
- Ranh Giới (Bounds)
Displays a bounding shape around an object. You can choose between different primitive shapes that might be closer to what the original object looks like.