Đất Sét (Clay)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Chế Độ Điêu Khắc (Sculpt Mode)

Đầu Bút (Brush):

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Công Cụ (Tool) ‣ Các Cài Đặt của Đầu Bút (Brush Settings) ‣ Cao Cấp (Advanced) ‣ Kiểu Đầu Bút (Brush Type)

Similar to the Draw brush, but includes settings to adjust the sculpt plane on which the brush acts. That's because it behaves like a combination of the Flatten and Draw brushes.

This brush is useful for building and removing volumes and shapes like real clay, because it flattens details as you add/subtract from the surfaces.

If used together with Dyntopo it's easy to continuously build shapes, even in a single stroke.

Các Cài Đặt của Đầu Bút

Chung Chung (General)

Độ Cứng (Hardness)

Slightly higher by default. This makes the profile of the brush more noticeable. More info at Hardness

Tự Động Làm Mịn (Auto-Smooth)

Enabled by default for a consistent smoothing effect. With lower brush strength (for example with lower pen pressure) the smoothing effect will be more noticeable and can be used to create and then blend/polish shapes in a single stroke. Enable Pressure to modulate the use of auto-smooth even more with pen inputs. More info at Auto-Smooth

Ghi chú

More info at Chung Chung (General) brush settings and on Cao Cấp [Advanced] brush settings.