Hiển Thị Màn Chắn Lọc (Mask Display)#

This popover controls how masks are displayed in Mask mode.

Chốt Trục (Spline)

Toggles the display of the mask splines. Note that if they're hidden, you won't be able to edit them.

Kiểu Hiển Thị Cạnh (Edge Display Type)

Line style of the splines.

Hình/Lớp Vẽ/Lồng (Overlay)

Visualizes masks by shading the whole clip.

Chế Độ Vẽ Lồng (Overlay Mode)
Alpha Channel (Kênh Alpha):

Displays just the masks as a grayscale image. Excluded areas are black, while included areas are white.

Kết Hợp (Combined):

Displays the clip with excluded areas darkened.

Hệ Số Pha Trộn (Blending Factor)

How much excluded areas are darkened when using the "Combined" Overlay Mode.