Vẽ (Draw)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Chế Độ Điêu Khắc (Sculpt Mode)

Đầu Bút (Brush):

Thanh Bên (Sidebar) ‣ Công Cụ (Tool) ‣ Các Cài Đặt của Đầu Bút (Brush Settings) ‣ Cao Cấp (Advanced) ‣ Kiểu Đầu Bút (Brush Type)

Moves vertices inward or outward, based the average vertex normals within the brush radius. This is a very default behavior for sculpting and can be used in most cases.

It is common to use this particular brush with heavy customization for creating many custom brushes.

Các Cài Đặt của Đầu Bút

Ghi chú

More info at Chung Chung (General) brush settings and on Cao Cấp [Advanced] brush settings.

Dời Hình [VDM Displacement]

Vector Displacement Maps are supported for the Draw brush to insert complex & overhanging shapes. Unlike regular displacement, this uses all 3 color channels of the image to displace geometry in three directions instead of just one.


An example of various VDM brushes used on a smooth head from the official demo file.

Download the demo file for more information and to try the feature out.

To use this feature, enable Vector Displacement in the texture panel. All stroke methods are supported, but the recommended behavior is Anchored.

Ideal images for vector displacement are open EXR files with color clamping disabled.

Ghi chú

This feature is only supported with Area Plane mapping.