Thể Tích Thăm Dò Ánh Sáng [Light Probe Volume]¶
A volume probe records the light incoming from all directions at many locations inside a volume.
The light is then filtered and only the diffuse light is recorded. The capture point positions are visible as an overlay when the Irradiance Volume object is selected.
If an object is not inside any Irradiance Volume, or if the indirect lighting has not been baked, the world's diffuse lighting will be used to shade it.
When lighting indoor environments, try to align grids with the room shape.
Try not to put too much resolution in empty areas or areas with a low amount of lighting variation.
Bad samples can be fixed by adding a smaller grid near the problematic area.
Large scenes may require using many volumes with different level of details.
Tính Chất (Properties)¶
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
- Cường Độ (Intensity)
Cường Độ hệ số của recorded bố trí ánh sáng. Làm this parameter bất cứ cái gì cái khác than 1.0 được không/không phải/nghịch/phủ định (not) physically correct. Tới be used cho/đối với hiệu chỉnh, hoạt họa hoặc artistic purposes.
Lấy Mẫu Vật [Sampling Bias]
- Thiên Lệnh Pháp Tuyến [Normal Bias]
Offset sampling of the irradiance grid in the surface normal direction to reduce light bleeding. Can lead to specular appearance of diffuse surface if set too high.
- Thiên Lệch Góc Nhìn [View Bias]
Offset sampling of the irradiance grid in the viewing direction to reduce light bleeding. Can lead to view dependent result if set too high. Prefer this if camera is static.
- Thiên Lệch đối Mặt [Facing Bias]
When set to zero, avoids capturing points behind the shaded surface to bleed light onto the shaded surface. This produces non-smooth interpolation when the capture resolution is high. Increasing this bias will make the interpolation smoother but also introduce some light bleeding.
Tính Hợp Lệ và Giãn Nở [Validity & Dilation]
During the baking process, a validity score is assigned to each capture point. This score is based on the number of back-faces hit when capturing the incoming lighting. Only materials with Single Sided turned on for Light Probe Volumes will reduce the validity score.
- Ngưỡng của Tính Hợp Lệ [Validity Threshold]
Capture points with validity below this threshold will be ignored during lighting interpolation. This remove the influence of capture points trapped inside closed geometry, reducing the artifacts they produced.
- Ngưỡng Giãn Nở [Dilation Threshold]
Capture points with validity below this threshold will have their data replaced using valid neighbors.
- Bán Kính (Radius)
Radius in capture points in which to search for a valid neighbor.
Nướng [Bake]¶
Light probe volume light data is static and needs to be manually baked. Once baked, the data is stored inside the object data-block and can be moved, animated and linked between blender files.
Ghi chú
Nướng uses the tính hữu hình trong kết xuất của đối tượng trong cảnh.
During baking, the scene is converted into a different representation to accelerate light transport. This representation can be very memory intensive and prevents baking if it cannot fit inside the GPU memory. There are a few way to deal with this issue:
Larger scenes should be divided into smaller sections or use different level of details.
Reduce "Độ Phân Giải của Phần Tử Bề Mặt".
Turn off the light probe volume visibility option on objects that have little to no effect in the bake.
The internal scene representation can be inspected using the Debug Value
3, 4 and 5.
Độ Phân Giải (Resolution)¶
- Độ Phân Giải X, Y [Resolution X, Y, Z]
Spatial resolution for volumetric light probes is determined per probe. The local volume is divided into a regular grid of the specified dimensions. The lighting will be captured for each cell in this grid.
- Nướng Mẫu Vật [Bake Samples]
Number of ray directions to evaluate when baking. This increases the baking time proportionally to the size of the scene representation.
- Độ Phân Giải của Phần Tử Bề Mặt [Surfel Resolution]
Number of surfels to spawn in one local unit distance. Higher values increase quality, but have a huge impact on memory usage.
A good value is twice the maximum Resolution.
Nắm Bắt [Capture]¶
- Khoảng Cách Nắm Bắt [Capture Distance]
Distance around the light probe volume that will be captured during the bake. A distance of 0 will only considered the inside of the volume.
- Cống Hiến [World Contribution]
Bake incoming light from the world instead of just visibility for more accurate lighting, but lose correct blending to surrounding irradiance volumes.
- Ánh Sáng Gián Tiếp Cống Hiến [Indirect Light Contribution]
Nắm Bắt số lần bật nẩy của tia sáng từ nguồn sáng.
- Cống Hiến [Emission Contribution]
Capture emissive surfaces when baking.
Clamping (Hạn Định)¶
- Ánh Sáng Trực Tiếp (Direct Light)
Clamp incoming direct light. 0.0 disables direct light clamping. Here direct light refers to the light that bounces only once (from the light object) or light coming from emissive materials.
- Ánh Sáng Gián Tiếp (Indirect Light)
Clamp incoming indirect light. 0.0 disables indirect light clamping. Here indirect light refers to the light that bounces off a surface after the first bounce (from the light object) or during the first bounce if the light comes from emissive materials.
Setting Clamp Indirect to a very small non-zero value will effectively only record the first light bounce leading.
Dịch Chuyển (Offset)¶
In order to reduce artifacts caused by bad capture point positioning, the bake process adjusts their location before capturing light. It moves the capture points slightly away from surrounding surfaces and tries to move them out of objects if they are not too far bellow the surface.
- Dịch Chuyển trong Chế Độ Bề Mặt (Surface Offset)
Khoảng Cách tới di chuyển the nắm bắt điểm rời khỏi từ bề mặt.
- Khoảng Cách Lùng Tìm [Search Distance]
Distance to search for valid capture positions if the capture point is near the back-face of a single-sided object.
Ghi chú
Only materials with Single Sided turned on for Light Probe Volumes will move capture point position.
Hiển Thị Cổng Nhìn (Viewport Display)¶
- Dữ Liệu (Data)
Show the captured light using small diffuse spheres of the given size.
- Tác Động/Ảnh Hưởng (Influence)
Show the influence bounds in the 3D Viewport. The inner sphere is where the falloff starts.
- Cắt Xén (Clipping)
Công cụ dành cho việc đo lường các đối tượng trong Cổng Nhìn 3D.