Маска по цвету (mask by color)


Режим (mode):

Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)

Инструмент (tool):

Панель инструментов ‣ Маска по цвету Toolbar ‣ Mask by Color

Click on any color on the mesh to create a new mask (based on the active color attribute).

Настройки панели «Инструмент» (tool settings)

Порог (threshold)

How much changes in color affect the mask generation. A smaller threshold includes fewer similar colors. A larger threshold includes much more similar colors.


Mask only contiguous color areas. Colors that don’t touch the one that you click on will not be masked.

Инвертировать (invert)

Инвертировать созданную маску.

Preserve Previous Mask

Preserve previous mask and add or subtract the new one generated by the colors.