Export Grease Pencil as (PDF)#

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is use for interchanging PDFs between applications, it support the export of Grease Pencil animation creating one page in the PDF document for each keyframe selected.


The exporter only works in Object Mode.


При экспорте в PDF доступны следующие параметры:

Объект (object)

Determine which objects will be included in the export.

Активный (active):

Export only the active Grease Pencil object.

Выделенное (selected):

Export all selected Grease Pencil objects.


Export all visible Grease Pencil object in the scene.


Determine which frames will be included in the export.

Активный (active):

Экспортируйте только активный ключевой кадр.

Выделенное (selected):

Export all selected keyframes as different PDF pages.

Сцена (scene):

Export all frames as different PDF pages.


To enable multi-keyframe selection you must enable Multiframe Edition. See Multiframe Edition for more information.

Сэмплирование (sampling)

Precision for the stroke sampling. Low values mean a more accurate result.

Заполнение (fill)

When enabled, Export the Grease Pencil strokes fill.


When enabled, Export strokes with constant thickness.


The export of the Grease Pencil strokes is always from camera view.