BioVision Motion Capture (BVH)#





Файл ‣ Импорт/Экспорт ‣ Захват движения (.bvh)

Imports or exports bvh-files or files with BioVision Hierarchical data or data of a skeleton (rig) including its animation. Useful for importing data from motion capture devices.




The motion capture data type.

Armature (Скелет):

The bvh-file contains an animated rigged skeleton such as a walking motion capture.

Object (объект):

The bvh-file contains a static (not animated) mesh object such as a character model.


Scale (масштаб)

Factor to increase the physical size of the BVH.

Rotation (вращение)

Порядок ротации BVH.

Вперёд / Вверх

Так как во многих приложениях для направления вверх используется другая ось, для таких настроек необходимо преобразование осей, направленных Вперед и вверх–Сопоставив эти оси с другими, можно преобразовать вращение между приложениями, использующими разное направление осей.

Blender uses Y forward, Z up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction). For example, its common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z forward, Y up is needed.

Animation (Анимация)#

Начальный кадр

The start frame, in Blender, to start playback of the BVH animation.

Scale FPS

Scales the frame rate from the BVH file to the scene frame rate set in Blender, otherwise each BVH frame maps directly to a frame in Blender.


Cycles the animation playback.

Update Scene FPS

Set the scene’s frame rate to match the frame rate of the BVH file.

Update Scene Duration

Extend the scene’s duration to match the BVH’s duration.



Scale (масштаб)

Factor to increase the physical size of the BVH.

Rotation (вращение)

Порядок ротации BVH.

Root Translation Only

Only write the translation animation channels for the root bone.

Animation (Анимация)#

Start / End

Sets the range of animation to export to the BVH file.