Edge Data#

Edges can have several different properties that affect how certain other tools affect the mesh.

Edge Crease#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Edge ‣ Edge Crease

Горячая клавиша:


This operator interactively sets the Edge Crease amount by moving the mouse (or typing a value with the keyboard). Selecting more than one edge will adjust the mean (average) crease value. A negative value will subtract from the actual crease value, if present. To clear the crease edge property, enter a value of -1.

Edge Bevel Weight#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Edge ‣ Edge Bevel Weight

Sets the value for the bevel_weight_edge attribute, a value between (0.0 to 1.0).

This attribute is used by the Bevel Modifier to control the bevel intensity of the edges.

This operator enters an interactive mode (a bit like transform tools), where by moving the mouse (or typing a value with the keyboard) you can set the bevel weight of selected edges. If more than one edge is selected, this operator alters the average weight of the edges.


Vertex Bevel Weight

Mark Seam & Clear Seam#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Edge ‣ Mark Seam/Clear Seam

These operators set or unset this mark for selected edges. Seams are a way to create separations, «islands», in UV maps. See the UV Mapping section for more details.

Mark Sharp & Clear Sharp#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Edge ‣ Mark Sharp/Clear Sharp

Signifies the selected edge(s) as being «sharp». This edge attribute can either be set (mark) or unset (clear).

This influences the rendering of Нормали (normals) to appear flat if smooth shading is enabled for the connecting face or object. This attribute can also be used by many modifiers or operators to mask their effect.

Internally, this uses the sharp edge attribute.

Set Sharpness by Angle#


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Ребро ‣ Установить остроту по углу

Sets the sharp edge attribute based on the angle between neighboring faces.

Угол (angle)

Maximum angle between face normals that will be considered as smooth.

Расширить (extend)

Add new sharp edges without clearing existing sharp edges.