Отображение (display)¶
Sequencer Overlays¶
- Колонтитул:

Overlays are information that is displayed on top of the sequencer region. The icon toggles all overlays in one go, while the drop-down button shows a pop-over where you can toggle individual ones:
- Сетка (grid)
Shows vertical lines at regular time intervals.
- Кэш (cache)
Visualize cached images on the timeline.
- Имя (name)
Shows the Name of each strip.
- Источник (source)
Показывает путь к файлу каждой дорожки.
- Продолжительность (duration)
Показывает длину каждой дорожки (в кадрах).
- Animation Curves
Shows animation curves for volume (Sound strips) and opacity (other strips).
- Thumbnails
Displays thumbnails across the full width of each Movie or Image strip. The thumbnail size depends on the vertical zoom level (which can be adjusted by dragging up and down with Ctrl-MMB). Zooming in results in taller strips with bigger, but fewer thumbnails. Zooming out results in narrower strips with smaller, but more thumbnails.
- Цветные метки
Displays each strip in its designated custom color (if applied) rather than a color representing its type. To set a custom color, either click the Color Tag button next to the strip’s name in , or use Set Color Tag in the strip’s context menu.
- Offsets
Shows overflow bars of content that was trimmed from the strip (by moving the strip’s handles). See Strip Offset Start/End.
Волновые Формы (Waveforms)¶
- Тип (type)
Global options for waveform display on Sound strips.
- On:
Enable waveforms for all strips.
- Полоска (strip):
Use the Display Waveform option of each individual strip.
- Выключен (Off):
Disable waveforms for all strips.
- Style
Как отображаются волновые формы.
- Полностью (full):
Отображает амплитуду звука.
- Наполовину (half):
Отображает уровень звука.