Нода «Конус» (cone node)

Нода ":abbr:`Конус (Cone)`".

Generates a cone mesh that is optionally truncated.

Входы (inputs)

Вершины (vertices)

Number of vertices in the top and/or bottom circle of the cone. No geometry is generated if the number is below three.

Боковые сегменты (side segments)

Number of vertically stacked face loops that make up the cone’s sides. Increasing this will add horizontal cuts. No geometry is generated if the number is below one.

Сегменты заполнения (fill segments)

Number of concentric rings in the top and/or bottom. No geometry is generated if the number is below one.

Радиус сверху (radius top)

The radius of the cone’s top circle. If this is zero, the circle is reduced to a single vertex.

Радиус снизу (radius bottom)

То же, что и радиус сверху, но для нижней окружности.

Глубина (depth)

Высота конуса.


If the top and bottom radii are both zero, this node will output a single line.

Свойства (properties)

Тип заполнения (fill type)

Каким образом круги сверху и снизу заполняются гранями, когда их радиус больше нуля.

Нет (none):

Заполнения не будет.

N-угольник (N-gon):

Fill the innermost circles with a single face.

Треугольники (triangles):

Fill the innermost circles with triangles connected to a vertex in the center.

Выходы (outputs)

Меш (mesh)

Стандартный вывод геометрии.

Сверху / Верх (top)

A boolean field with a selection of the faces on the top of the cone. If the Fill Type is set to None, this will be a selection of the top edges instead. If Radius Top is zero, this will be a selection of the top vertex.

Сторона (side)

A boolean field with a selection of the faces on the side of the cone.

Снизу / Низ (bottom)

A boolean field with a selection of the faces on the bottom of the cone. If the Fill Type is set to None, this will be a selection of the bottom edges instead. If Radius Bottom is zero, this will be a selection of the bottom vertex.

UV-карта (UV map)

The default UV coordinate of each face corner. This can be connected to the Нода «Сохранить названный атрибут» (store named attribute) for populating a UV Map.