Модификатор Build#
Модификатор заставляет грани объекта сетки появляться или исчезать одна за другой с течением времени.
This documentation refers to the Build Modifier specific to the Grease Pencil object. For uses with other object types refer to the general Модификатор Build.
Опции (options)#
- Режим (mode)
Determines how many strokes are being animated at a time.
- Sequential:
Strokes appear/disappear one after the other, but only a single one changes at a time.
- Concurrent:
Multiple stroke appear/disappear at a time.
- Сложение (Additive):
Builds only the strokes that are new compared to last keyframe. The assumption is Additive Drawing was used so that the shared strokes are the same.
- Transition (in Sequential and Concurrent Mode)
Determines the animation type to build the strokes.
- Grow:
Shows points in the order they occur in each stroke, from first to last stroke. (Simulating lines being drawn.)
- Сокращение (shrink):
Hide points from the end of each stroke to the start, from last to first stroke. (Simulating lines being erased.)
- Vanish:
Hide points in the order they occur in each stroke, from first to last stroke. (Simulating ink fading or vanishing after getting drawn.)
- Тайминг (timing)
The way you want to time the building of the strokes.
- Natural Drawing Speed:
Use the recorded speed of the stylus when the strokes were drawn. Only available in Sequential and Additive Mode.
- Speed Factor
The recorded speed is multiplied by this value.
- Maximum Gap
The maximum gap between strokes in seconds.
- Number of Frames:
Set a fixed maximum number of frames for the build animation. (Unless another Grease Pencil keyframe occurs before this time has elapsed.)
- Кадры (frames)
The maximum number of frames used.
- Delay
Number of frames after each Grease Pencil keyframe before the modifier has any effects.
- Percentage Factor:
Manually set a percentage factor to control the amount of the strokes that are visible.
- Коэффициент (factor)
The factor from 0 to 1.
- Выравнивание времени:
Only available in Concurrent Mode.
- Align Start
All stroke start at the same time (i.e. shorter strokes finish earlier).
- Align End
All stroke end at the same time (i.e. shorter strokes start later).
- Объект (object)
Use the distance to an object to define the order in which strokes appear.
Особый диапазон (custom range)#
If enabled, only modify strokes during the specified frame range.
- Начало, Конец (start, end)
Determines the start and end frame for the build effect.
- Коэффициент (factor)
Defines how much the stroke is fading in/out.
- Толщина (thickness)
How much strength fading is applied to the stroke’s thickness.
- Непрозрачность (opacity)
How much strength fading applies to the stroke’s opacity.
- Weight Output
Assign a weight value to points that have started/finished the fade.
Influence Filters#
See Influence Filters.