Volume Cube Node#

The Volume Cube node.

The Volume Cube generates a volume from scratch by evaluating an input field on every single voxel in a rectangular prism. The Density field defines the output volume grid’s value at every voxel. The field can only depend on the Узел Position (положение).

Входы (inputs)#

Плотность (density)

The value for the new grid at each voxel.

Фон (background)

The value of the grid outside the rectangular prism controlled by the Min and Max inputs. The node can generate a more memory-efficient volume when the values of the Density input are the same as the background value.

Мин. (min)

One corner of the rectangular prism in which to fill evaluate the field.

Макс. (max)

The other corner of the rectangular prism in which to fill evaluate the field.

Resolution X,Y,Z

The number of voxels to evaluate the field in on each axis.


Changing these values can have a significant impact on performance. For example, the default values of 32 mean the input field will be evaluated about 33 thousand times. Increasing the values to 100 will give 1 million evaluations, and 1000 would give 1 billion.


Эта нода не содержит свойств.

Выходы (outputs)#

Объём (volume)

Geometry containing the generated volume.