Shadow Visual Effect¶
The Shadow Visual Effect shows a simulated shadow casting by the object.
For simulating the shadow a color silhouette of the object is displaced in horizontal and/or vertical direction on the back of the object.
Опции (options)¶

Shadow Visual Effect.¶
- Shadow Color
Defines the shadow color.
- Смещение по X, Y (offset X, Y)
Control the shadow displacement in pixels on the X and Y axis.
- Масштаб X, Y (scale X, Y)
Control the size of the shadow on the X and Y axis.
- Вращение (rotation)
Sets the shadow rotation around the Grease Pencil object center or another object when Use Object As Pivot is enabled.
- Object Pivot
When enabled, an Object is used by the shadow as the center of rotation.
Размытие (blur)¶
- Blur X, Z
Control the blur scale in pixels on the X and Z axis.
- Сэмплы (samples)
Number of blur samples (0 disabled the blur effect).
Wave Effect¶
When enabled, apply a wave distortion to the shadow.
- Ориентация (orientation)
Sets horizontal or vertical direction for the waves.
- Амплитуда (amplitude)
Controls the strength and the depth of the wave.
- Period
Controls the wave period. The time it takes to complete one cycle.
- Фаза (phase)
Shifts the wave pattern over the shadow.