Envelope Modifier#

The Envelope modifier creates a shape known as envelope over the existing strokes connecting all the points that have n points between them.

Опции (options)#


The Envelope modifier.#

Режим (mode)
Деформация (deform):

Replaces the original stroke with the envelope shape.

Сегменты (segments):

Add segments to create the envelope shape keeping the original stroke.

Заполнение (fill):

Add segments to create the envelope without the original stroke.

Spread Length

The number of points to skip when creating the straight segments that define the envelope.

Толщина (thickness)

The thickness of the generated stroke segments.

Сила (strength)

The Opacity of the generated stroke segments.

Индекс материала (material index)

Defines the material to use on the generated stroke segments.

Skip Segments

The Number of generated stroke segments to skip to reduce complexity.

Influence Filters#

See Influence Filters.