- Fac
- 图像
- 图像
需注意,与图像编辑程序将前景图层置于顶部的做法不同,Blender 中的前景槽位于底部。
- 混合模式
要使用的 混合模式。
- 混合
常规alpha混合。在图像编辑程序中一般被称作 正常。
- 变暗
For each color component, takes the smallest of the two values being blended.
- 正片叠底(相乘)
Multiplies the colors component by component. Blending with a white pixel (value 1.0) has no effect, while blending with a black one (0.0) always results in black.
- 颜色加深
Inverts the background color, divides it by the foreground color, and inverts the result.
- 变亮
For each color component, takes the largest of the two values being blended.
- 滤色
- 颜色减淡
Divides the background color by the inverted foreground color.
- 相加
- 叠加
如果前景色亮度低于 0.5,执行正片叠底混合,否则执行滤色混合。
- 柔光
- 线性光
Applies Linear Burn blending (background + foregound - 1) if the foreground color's lightness is below 0.5, or Linear Dodge (background + foreground) if it's above.
- 差值
For each component, subtracts the lower value from the higher value.
- 排除
- 相减
Subtracts the foreground color from the background color.
- 相除
Divides the background color by the foreground color.
- 色相
Combines the saturation and value of the background color with the hue of the foreground color.
- 饱和度
Combines the hue and value of the background color with the saturation of the foreground color.
- 颜色
Combines the value of the background color with the hue and saturation of the foreground color.
- 明度
Combines the hue and saturation of the background color with the value of the foreground color.
- 使用 Alpha
Whether to use the alpha channel of the foreground image during mixing. The alpha channel of the background image is always used.
- 钳制
- 图像
Below are examples of blending modes, as well as some practical use cases.
The top RGB曲线节点 darkens the image by linearly scaling each color value to a smaller one.
The bottom curve node increases constract by making small values smaller and large values larger.
In the old days, a pattern was pressed into the paper mush as it dried, creating a mark that identified who made the paper and where it came from. The mark was barely perceptible except in just the right light. Probably the first form of subliminal advertising.
Nowadays, people watermark their images to identify them as personal intellectual property, for subliminal advertising of the author or hosting service, or simply to track their image's proliferation throughout the web.
Blender provides a complete set of tools for you to both encode your watermark and to tell if an image has your watermark.
First, construct your own personal watermark. You can use your name, a word, or a shape or image not easily replicated. While neutral gray works best using the encoding method suggested, you are free to use other colors or patterns. It can be a single pixel or a whole gradient; it is up to you.
In the example below, we are encoding the watermark in a specific location in the image using the Translate node; this helps later because we only have to look at a specific location for the mark. We then use the RGB to BW node to convert the color image to grayscale numbers, which we then feed into the Map Range node to reduce the mark to one-tenth of its original intensity.
The Add node (Mix node with blending mode Add) adds the corresponding pixels, making the ones containing the mark ever-so-slightly brighter.
When you see an image that you think might be yours, use the node tree below to compare it to your stock image (pre-watermarked original). In this tree, the Mix node is set to Difference, and the Map Value node amplifies any difference. You can see how the original mark clearly stands out.