- 模式:
- 工具:
The Relax tool can be used to distribute UVs more evenly. It works by pulling vertices along UV edges to bring the UV unwrap into balance.
The Relax tool can be compared with the 最小化拉伸 tool which works directly on faces to reduce texture stretching and shearing. You may find that sometimes minimize stretch works better, sometimes the unwrap tool and other times the Relax tool.
First using Unwrap, then Minimize Stretch and touching up with the Relax tool often gives the best results. Remember, you can use "Undo" at any time to return to an earlier state.
- 尺寸
该选项控制画笔的半径,以像素为单位。F 允许你通过拖动鼠标和 鼠标左键 交互式地改变画笔大小。在使用 F 时输入一个数字然后回车可以让你更改数字大小。
- 强度
控制笔刷的每次应用对 UV 的影响程度。你可以通过在 3D 视窗中按下 Shift-F,然后移动画笔,再按下 鼠标左键 来交互地改变其强度。你也可以在 Shift-F 调整尺寸时输入数字。
- 衰减
衰减控制笔刷衰减的 强度。衰减从画笔的中心(曲线的左侧部分)映射到其边界(曲线的右侧部分)。更改曲线的形状将使画笔更软或更硬。更多信息请查看 曲线部件。
- 曲线预设
- 自定义:
- 平滑化:
- 更平滑:
类似于 平滑,但在逐渐变细之前产生更宽的刷子中心点。
- 球形:
- 根凸:
- 锐利:
- 线性:
- 更锐利:
与 锐利 类似,但中心点更浓缩。
- 反向平方:
平滑 和 球体 之间的混合体。
- 常量:
- 选项
- 锁定边界
- 雕刻所有孤岛
- 方法
How to determine the edge weighting:
- 拉普拉斯:
The classic discrete Laplace operator applied to the UV graph. Each edge has equal weighting, resulting in triangles which resemble a honeycomb shape, or quads aligned into square grid.
- HC:
Similar to Laplacian, the HC method uses equal weighting while trying to preserve a gradient between dense regions of the mesh and regions with fewer edges.
Note, this method uses the "Humphrey's Classes" operator as described in the paper: "Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes".
- 几何数据:
Edges are weighted according to the discrete Laplace operator (cotangent formula) applied to the 3D geometry. This tries to bring the relative lengths of edges in UV closer to the relative lengths of edges in 3D, resulting in a UV unwrap with less distortion across edge boundaries.