Image/Sequence Strip


Image strips can display thumbnails in the Sequencer overlaid on their strips by enabling the Thumbnails overlay.

Imagen fija

When you add a single still image (*.jpg, *.png, etc.), Blender creates a 25 frames long strip which will show this image along the strips range.

Secuencia de imágenes

In the case of (numbered) image sequences (e.g. *-0001.jpg, *-0002.jpg, *-0003.jpg, etc, of any image format), you have a choice:


Navegar hasta el directorio y hacer clic con LMB y arrastrar sobre un rango de imágenes para seleccionar varios archivos. Será posible continuar con la selección, desplazando hacia abajo y arrastrando, esta vez con Mayús-LMB hasta completar la selección.


Hacer clic con Mayús-LMB sobre varias imágenes no relacionadas para su procesamiento por lotes; cada imagen será un fotograma, en el orden de selección y podrá ser una mezcla de cualquiera de los formatos soportados (jpg, png, exr, etc.).


Presionar A para seleccionar/deseleccionar todos los archivos en el directorio.


Dealing with Different Sizes

Dealing with different sized images and different sized outputs is tricky. If you have a mismatch between the size of the input image and the render output size, the Video Sequencer will try to auto-scale the image to fit it entirely in the output. This may result in clipping. If you do not want that, use Crop and/or Offset in the Input panel to move and select a region of the image within the output. When you use Crop or Offset, the auto-scaling will be disabled and you can manually re-scale by adding the Transform effect.

Add Image Strip



Add ‣ Image/Sequence

Rutas relativas

Store the location of the image file relative to the blend-file.

Fotograma Inicial

The Start Frame to place the left handle of the strip.

Fotograma Final

The end frame to place the right handle of the strip.


Subtract the Start Frame from the End Frame to get the strip’s duration.


The Channel to place the strip.

Replace Selection

Previously selected strips will be deselected. Only added strips will be selected.

Método de Ajuste

Determines how images with an aspect ratio different than the scene’s Resolution are scaled to fit inside the render area.

Escalar hasta ajustar:

Adjusts the strips Scale Transforms so the visual contents of the strip to fit exactly within the project’s Resolution while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

This may mean that the transparent areas may be added along the content’s border to fit the content in the rendered area.

Escalar hasta rellenar:

Adjusts the strips Scale Transforms so the visual contents of the strip to span the project’s Resolution while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

This may mean that portions of the original image no longer fit the content inside the rendered area.

Estirar hasta rellenar:

Adjusts the strips Scale Transforms so the visual contents of the strip to fill the project’s Resolution. Note, unlike the other two methods described above, Stretch to Fill does not maintaining the original aspect ratio.

This may mean that the original image becomes distorted to fit the content inside the rendered area.

Establecer Transformación de Visualización

Automatically sets an appropriate View Transform based on the Color Space of the imported media. In most cases, the Standard should be used; using the wrong transform could result in inaccurate colors or degraded rendering performance.

Use Placeholders

Image sequences can use placeholder files. This works by enabling Use Placeholders checkbox when adding an image strip. The option detects the frame range of opened images using Blender’s frame naming scheme (filename + frame number + .extension) and makes an image sequence with all files in between even if they are missing. This allows you to render an image sequence with a few frames missing and still the image strip will have the correct range to account for the missing frames displayed as black.

When the missing frames are rendered or placed in the same folder, you can refresh the Sequencer and get the missing frames in the strip. The option is also available when using the Change Data/File operator and allows you to add more images to the range.