
The Video Sequencer allows you to place images, videos, sounds, and scenes on a timeline and combine them into a new video. This section only describes its UI; to read more about its usage, see the Video Editing section.

Organización del editor

The Video Sequencer is composed of multiple regions. They are described in more detail in the next sections. Figure 1 shows the combined Sequencer & Preview view type:


Figure 1: The Video Sequencer Editor shown in the Sequencer & Preview view type.


Contains menus and buttons for interacting with the editor. The header changes slightly depending on the selected view type (see below).


Esta región mostrará el resultado de la edición, en el instante definido por el Cursor de tiempo.

Editor de video

Shows a timeline for managing the montage of strips.

Barra lateral

Shows the properties of the active strip. It’s divided into panels and tabs. Toggle on or off with N.

Barra de herramientas

Mostrará una lista de herramientas. Mostrar u ocultar usando la tecla T.

Tipos de vista

The Video Sequencer has three view types which can be changed using the View Type selector (see figure 1; top left).


Figura 2: Los tres tipos de vista del Editor de video

Editor de video

Vista con las propiedades de la línea de tiempo y el clip seleccionado.


Vista con una ventana de previsualización y sus propiedades.

Editor de video - Previsualización

Combined view of preview and timeline and their properties.


Rather than having one Video Sequencer in the Sequencer & Preview mode, it can be more useful to have one in the Sequencer mode and another in the Preview mode, the reason being that Sequencer & Preview lacks most of the Preview tools. Blender’s default Video Editing workspace offers this layout.


El desempeño de la reproducción puede ser mejorado de varias maneras.

The method with the most impact is to allow the Video Sequencer to cache generated frames. There are two levels of cache: a memory cache, which is enabled by default (and can be enlarged if RAM allows), and a disk cache, which is slower but has more capacity. Both of these can be configured in the Preferences.

Another way to improve performance is by using Strip Proxies. These are copies of source images and videos with a lower resolution and/or quality, making them faster to load than the originals.