


Sistema de partículas ‣ Procesar

El panel Procesar permite controlar la apariencia de las partículas durante el procesamiento final.


Cycles sólo soporta el procesamiento de partículas de los tipos Objeto y Colección.

Opciones en común


Por hacer

Agregar esta información.

Aleatorizar escala

Por hacer

Agregar esta información.


Set which of the object’s materials is used to shade the particles.

Sistema de coordenadas

Use a different object’s coordinates to determine the birth of particles.

Mostrar emisor

When disabled, the emitter is no longer rendered. Activate the button Emitter to also render the mesh.

Procesar como


When set to None, particles are not rendered. This is useful if you are using the particles to duplicate objects.


Halos are rendered as glowing dots or a little cloud of light. Although they are not really lights because they do not cast light into the scene like a light object. They are called Halos because you can see them, but they do not have any substance.

Ruta (o Trayectoria)

Por hacer

Actualizar imagen


El panel Procesar, para el tipo Trayectoria.

La visualización de tipo Trayectoria necesitará un sistema de partículas de tipo Pelo o partículas cuyas dinámicas sean del tipo Animadas.


Interpolate hair using B-splines. This may be an option for you if you want to use low Render values. You loose a bit of control but gain smoother paths.


Set the number of subdivisions of the rendered paths (the value is a power of 2). You should set this value carefully, because if you increase the render value by two you need four times more memory to render. Also the rendering is faster if you use low render values (sometimes drastically). But how low you can go with this value depends on the waviness of the hair (the value is a power of 2). This means 0 steps give 1 subdivision, 1 give 2 subdivisions, 2 → 4, 3 → 8, 4 → 16, … 𝓃 → 2𝓃.




Sistema de partículas ‣ Procesar ‣ Temporización



Tiempo absoluto de la trayectoria

Path timing is in absolute frames.


End time of the practical path.


Give the path length a random variation.




Sistema de partículas ‣ Procesar ‣ Objeto

Objeto instanciado

The specified object is instanced in place of each particle.

Coordenadas globales

Use object’s global coordinates for instancing.

Rotación del objeto

Usará la rotación del objeto.

Escala del objeto

Usará el tamaño del objeto.




Sistema de partículas ‣ Procesar ‣ Colección

Instanciar colección

The objects that belong to a collection are instanced sequentially in the place of the particles.

Toda la colección

Use the whole group at once, instead of one of its elements, the group being displayed in place of each particle.

Escoger aleatoriamente

The objects in the group are selected in a random order, and only one object is displayed in place of a particle.

Coordenadas globales

Use object’s global coordinates for instancing.

Rotación del objeto

Usará la rotación de los objetos.

Escala del objeto

Usará el tamaño de los objetos.

Cantidad de usos



Sistema de partículas ‣ Procesar ‣ Colección ‣ Cantidad de usos

Use objects multiple times in the same groups. Specify the order and number of times to repeat each object with the list view that appears. You can duplicate an object in the list with the + button, or remove a duplicate with the - button.




Sistema de partículas ‣ Procesar ‣ Otros

Partículas principales

Render also parent particles if child particles are used. Children have a lot of different deformation options, so the straight parents would stand between their curly children. So by default Parents are not rendered if you activate Children. See Children.


Render particles before they are born.


Render particles after they have died. This is very useful if particles die in a collision Die on hit, so you can cover objects with particles.