Nodo Dividir a instancias¶
The Split to Instances node splits up geometry elements into Instancias, based on a Group ID.
- Geometría
Entrada estándar de geometría.
- Selección
Boolean field that is true for parts of the geometry to be evaluated. Parts not in the selection will not be in the node’s output.
- ID del grupo
ID field (integer) used to distinguish different groups.
- Dominio
The domain on which the selection and group ID fields are evaluated.
- Punto (o Apuntar):
The fields are evaluated on points, control points, and vertices.
- Borde:
The fields are evaluated on the edges of the mesh component.
- Caras:
The fields are evaluated on the faces of the mesh component.
- Curva:
The fields are evaluated on the splines in the curve component.
- Instancias:
The fields are evaluated on the top-level instances. Realized instances are ignored.
When selecting a domain that doesn’t modify all components, the unmodified components will not be present in the output.
- Instancias
input geometry splitted up as instances.
- ID del grupo
ID field from the input Group ID