Modificador Desplazar volumen¶
Este modificador sólo se encuentra disponible para objetos volumétricos.
The Volume Displace modifier displaces existing volume grids based on a 3D texture. It uses the RGB color channels of the texture to displace the volume into the X, Y and Z direction.
- Textura
The texture that is evaluated at every voxel to determine how far and in what direction to displace.
Grayscale textures lead to stretching along one axis. It’s best to use a color texture.
- Intensidad
Controls how far voxels are displaced.
- Radio de muestreo
Smaller values result in better performance, but might cut off the volume outside.
- Nivel medio
This should be modified if the texture offsets the entire volume in one direction and you want to center it again. For performance reasons, the displaced volume should stay close to its original position.