Intersectar (Booleana)



Modo Edición


Cara ‣ Intersectar (Booleana)

Performs Boolean operations between the selected and unselected geometry.


Selecting a sphere and performing an Intersection, Union, and Difference with a cube.


Hide geometry by pressing H to exclude it from the operation, then Alt-H afterwards to unhide it again.

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The Modificador Booleana can perform these same operations non-destructively between different mesh objects.

The Ajustar última operación panel offers the following options:

Operaciones Booleanas

Only keep the volume that’s inside both the selected and the unselected geometry.


Remove the interior faces between the selected and the unselected geometry.


Cut the selected geometry out of the unselected geometry, then remove the selected geometry.

Método de resolución

Algorithm used to perform the Boolean operation.


Utilizará un método de resolución matemáticamente simple que ofrecerá el mejor rendimiento; sin embargo, este método carecerá de compatibilidad con superposición de geometrías.

Umbral de fusión

Tolerancia para que las caras cercanas se consideren en contacto. Puede ser útil aumentar esto cuando no se detecten algunas intersecciones que deberían y cuando se cree geometría adicional porque los bordes no se detectan como superpuestos.


A threshold approaching the size of faces may cause very slow calculation. In general, keep this value small.


Uses a mathematically complex solver which offers the best results and has full support for overlapping geometry; however, this solver is much slower than the Fast solver.


When using Difference, cut the unselected geometry out of the selected geometry instead of the other way around.

Intersección propia

Correctly handle self-intersection in the participating geometry, at the cost of performance.