Nodo Visor¶

El nodo Visor permitirá visualizar datos desde dentro de un grupo de nodos de geometría en el editor Planilla y en la Vista 3D.
Cualquier geometría conectada podrá ser visualizada en la Vista 3D y los valores de sus atributos podrán ser leídos en la Planilla.
Este nodo no podrá ser usado en el contexto de Herramienta, sino sólo en el contexto de Modificador.
Activación y desactivación¶
Using Shift-Ctrl-LMB on any node or socket connects it to the viewer and makes it active. Using the same shortcut on empty space in the node editor makes deactivates the active viewer. When the active viewer is not visible anymore (e.g. another object is selected, or the current node group is exited), it is deactivated. The icon in the viewer node header can also be used to activate and deactivate it.
In the viewport, the Show Viewer option can turn off the viewer node visualization completely in order to see the final output of the object’s evaluation instead.
Visualización de atributos¶
When the viewer has a geometry and a separate value input connected, the values can be visualized with a viewport overlays. When possible, the attribute domain is used to visualize the data is determined automatically. Otherwise, the viewer node falls back to the face corner domain on meshes and the point domain on curves. When necessary, the domain can be chosen manually.
The spreadsheet now only shows the «Viewer» column for the domain that is selected in the Viewer node.
It can be helpful to pin a specific viewer node in the spreadsheet. When pinned, the spreadsheet still references the viewer node even when it becomes inactive.
- Geometría
Geometría que será mostrada en la Planilla.
- Valor
Field to be evaluated on the geometry. The type for this value is chosen automatically when the keyboard shortcut to link an output is pressed. However, if the type must be adjusted manually, it is available in the node editor Sidebar.
- Tipo de datos
The data type used to evaluate the Value input, visible in the node side-bar.
- Dominio
The attribute domain used to evaluate the Value input. The Auto option chooses the domain automatically based on the connected nodes.
Este nodo no tiene salidas.