Tipos de pincel¶
See Brush Type.
Available brush types are listed here, together with brushes from the Essentials asset library using them.
- Dibujar
Pinceles: Paint Hard [Pintar (duro)], Paint Soft [Pintar (suave)], Paint Hard Pressure [Pintar (duro, presión)], Paint Soft Pressure [Pintar (suave, presión)], Erase Hard [Borrar (duro)], Erase Soft [Borrar (suave)], Erase Hard Pressure [Borrar (duro, presión)]
The normal brush, draws a swath of color.
- Suavizar
Pinceles: Blur [Desenfocar]
Uses a «blur effect» to soften or sharpen the image.
- Dirección
- Suavizar
Is used to paint a blur effect.
- Radio del núcleo (sólo 2D)
El radio del desenfoque, en píxeles.
- Sharpen [Definir]
The Sharpen tool enhances the contrast of the image as you paint over it.
- Sharp Threshold
The Threshold will only apply sharpening to only those pixels that differ more than the threshold value from their surrounding pixels.
- Radio del núcleo (sólo 2D)
The kernel size controls how big an area the tool searches over is while calculating that difference.
- Modo de desenfoque
The blur kernel type controls how neighboring pixels are weighted when calculating the blur effect.
- Gaussiano:
Gaussian will sample the pixels near the center of the brush most.
- Caja:
Box samples all surrounding pixels equally.
- Smear [Manchar]
Pinceles: Smear [Manchar]
When you click, takes the colors under the cursor, and blends them in the direction you move the mouse. Similar to the «smudge» tool of Gimp.
- Clonar
Pinceles: Clone [Clonar]
Copies the colors from the specified image (or location of the same image) to the active image.
In 3D projective painting the clone cursor can be set with Ctrl-LMB. In 2D painting the clone can be moved dragging it with RMB.
- Clone from Paint Slot (3D projective only)
Use another image as clone source, instead of using the 3D cursor position as the source in the same image.
- Contenedor de Origen de clonado
Esto permitirá seleccionar una imagen como origen de clonación.
- Imagen (sólo 2D)
Image used as a clone source.
- Alfa (sólo 2D)
Opacidad de la imagen de clonado superpuesta.
- Rellenar (o Relleno)
Pinceles: Fill [Rellenar]
It can be used to fill large areas of the image with the brush color. The tool fills adjacent pixels that have a color value similar to the pixel you clicked on.
- Umbral de relleno (sólo 2D)
Determines how much the color must be similar to the color of pixel you click to be filled. A low Threshold only fills very similar in color pixels. A higher Threshold fills pixels within a broader range of color.
The Gradient type of the Color Picker allows the use of a gradient to fill the image.
To apply the gradient with the Fill brush click LMB and drag to define the gradient line, or radius if a radial gradient is used (depending on the Gradient Fill Mode).
- Modo de relleno con gradiente
Lineal, Radial
En un texturizado mediante proyección se omitirán algunas opciones para que la pintura proyectada pueda pintar al modelo. Esto significa que las caras ocluidas, y normalmente descartadas por ser traseras o por sus normales serán rellenadas siempre, sin importar que las opciones se encuentren activadas o no en el panel Externo.
- Máscara
Pinceles: Mask [Enmascarar]
This brush paints gray-scale values on the mask texture specified in the Mask panel. Any masked surfaces will not be affected by other paint brushes, similar to sculpt mode masking.
- Valor de máscara
Mask weight, a value of zero means not masked, while one is completely masked. Hold Ctrl to invert the painted mask value.
Una alternativa más simple sería usar la máscara de selección de caras. Ver Enmascaramiento de selección de caras para más detalles.