Modificador Caché de malla

The Mesh Cache modifier applies animated mesh data from an external file to a mesh, allowing it to deform over time. It is commonly used for importing animations from other applications, enabling smooth playback of cached deformations.

This modifier functions similarly to shape keys, but is specifically designed for playback of externally stored animations rather than keyframe-based deformations.


Both .mdd and .pc2 file formats rely on a consistent vertex order throughout the animation. Adding, removing, or reordering vertices after this modifier may cause unintended results.



El modificador Caché de malla.


Specifies the input file format. The modifier currently supports .mdd and .pc2.

Ruta al archivo

Path to the external cache file containing the animation data.


Controls the strength of the deformation. Lower values blend the cached animation with the original mesh shape.

Modo de deformación

Determinará la forma en que los datos del caché influenciarán a la malla:


Replaces vertex positions with those from the cache file.


Blends the cache deformation with existing deformations, such as shape keys or modifiers.


This mode is best suited for minor, localized adjustments. Large transformations, such as reposing limbs, may not work as expected.


Controls how frames between cache data are handled:


Uses only the raw frame data from the cache without interpolation.


Blends between frames for smoother transitions, useful when cache frames do not align perfectly with the scene frames.

Grupo de vértices

En caso de ser usado, permitirá restringir el efecto sólo a los vértices de ese grupo.

Invertir <->

Invierte la influencia del grupo de vértices seleccionado, lo que significa que el grupo ahora representa vértices que no serán deformados por el modificador.

Esta opción invertirá los valores de las influencias del grupo.

Remapeo de tiempo

Modo de tiempo

Defines how animation time is interpreted:


Ignores timing data from the cache and plays back frames directly. This mode provides direct control over playback speed.


Uses the cache’s timing data, including offsets and frame durations.


Maps the entire animation to a range between 0 and 1 for precise control.

Modo de reproducción

Specifies how playback timing is determined:


Uses the scene’s current frame for playback.

Fotograma Inicio

Defines the starting frame for playback.

Escala de fotogramas

Adjusts the playback speed by scaling time.


Allows manual control of animation timing.

Valor de evaluación

Determines animation playback position, which can be animated for precise control.

Mapeo de ejes

Ejes Avance/Arriba

Specifies the forward and up axes of the imported animation, ensuring proper orientation.

Invertir eje

Flips the animation along a chosen axis if the imported data requires correction.