Nodo Muestrear curva¶

The Sample Curve calculates a point on a curve at a certain distance from the start of the curve, specified by the length or factor inputs. It also outputs data retrieved from that position on the curve. The sampled values are linearly interpolated from the values at the evaluated curve points at each side of the sampled point.
When the curve contains multiple splines, the sample position is found based on the total accumulated length, including the lengths of all previous splines. The order of the splines is the same order as displayed in the Spreadsheet Editor.
- Curvas
Entrada estándar de geometría con un componente de curva.
- Valor
A field input to evaluate custom attributes. The evaluation is outputted through the Value output.
- Factor Factor mode
The portion of the total length used to determine the sample position.
- Length Length mode
A length in distance units used to determine how far along the curve to travel before sampling.
- Identificador de la curva
An index to only evaluate specific splines, these indices can be specified manually or from the Nodo Identificador. This input is ignored when the All Curves property is enabled.
- Tipo de datos
El tipo de datos usado para los datos evaluados.
- Modo
How to find endpoint positions for the trimmed spline. The option acts the same as it does in the Nodo Recortar curva.
- Factor:
Find the endpoint positions using a factor of each spline’s length. The input values should be between 0 or 1.
- Longitud:
Find the endpoint positions using a length from the start of each spline. The input values should be between 0 and the length of the splines.
- Todas las curvas
Sample lengths based on the total length of all curves, rather than using a length inside each selected curve.
- Valor
The value of the input Value at the sample point.
- Posición
The position at the sample along the spline.
- Tangente
The normalized curve tangent at the sample.
This output can be combined with the Nodo Alinear rotación a vector to create a rotation that lines up with direction of the curve. Including the Normal output in a second align node after can align the other rotation axis.
- Normal
The normalized curve normal at the sample.

Here, the Count mode of the Nodo Remuestrear curva is recreated, except a mesh is used for the result instead of a curve. The Z axis of the position can be used as the sample factor because the position is between zero and one for the entire line.