Modificador Gancho¶
El modificador Gancho podrá ser usado para deformar una malla, una curva o una jaula, usando otro objeto (usualmente será un objeto vacío o un hueso, aunque podría tratarse de cualquier objeto). A medida que el objeto especificado como gancho se mueva, tirará de los vértices o puntos de control de la geometría. Será posible verlo como una especie de Edición proporcional animada.
While hooks do not give you the fine control over vertices movement that shape keys do, they have the advantage that you can select vertices directly for manipulation.
To assign selected vertices (in Edit Mode) you can use the Assign button on the modifier panel or use the Add Hook menu.
- Objeto
The name of the object to hook vertices to.
- Grupo de vértices
Allows you to define the influence per vertex.
Useful when you want something other than a spherical field of influence.
- Invertir
Invierte la influencia del grupo de vértices seleccionado, lo que significa que el grupo ahora representa vértices que no serán deformados por el modificador.
Esta opción invierte los valores de las influencias del grupo.
- Invertir
- Intensidad
Adjust this hooks influence on the vertices, were (0.0 to 1.0) (no change to fully follows the hook).
Since multiple hooks can work on the same vertices, you can weight the influence of a hook using this property.
Las siguientes opciones estarán disponibles en el modo Edición:
- Restablecer
Recalculate and clear the offset transform of the hook.
- Recentrar
Set the hook center to the 3D cursor position.
- Seleccionar
Select the vertices affected by this hook.
- Asignar
Assigns selected vertices to this hook.
The Hook Modifier stores vertex indices from the original mesh to determine what to affect. This means that modifiers that generate geometry, like Subdivision Surface, should always be put after the Hook one in the stack. Otherwise, the generated geometry will be left out of the hook’s influence.
- Tipo
This can be used to adjust the kind of influence curve that the hook has on the mesh. You can also define a custom curve to get a much higher level of control.
- Radio
The size of the hooks influence.
- Uniform Falloff
This setting is useful when using hooks on scaled objects, especially in cases where non-uniform scale would stretch the result of the hook.
This is especially useful for lattices, where it is common to use non-uniform scaling.