Operadores de UV

Blender offers several ways of mapping UVs, going from simple ones that merely project the mesh’s vertices onto a plane to more advanced ones.




3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Unwrap ‣ Angle Based, Conformal, Minimum Stretch



Cuts the selected faces along their seams, flattens them, and lays them out on the UV map. Previously existing UV coordinates are overwritten. Useful for organic shapes.


Resultado de desplegar a Suzanne.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Basado en ángulos

Utilizará un Aplanamiento Basado en Ángulo (ABF en inglés). Este método proporcionará una buena representación 2D de una malla.


Utilice Mapeo Conforme de Mínimos Cuadrados (LSCM en inglés). Esto generalmente proporciona un mapeo UV menos preciso que el Basado en Ángulos, pero funciona mejor para objetos más simples.

Minimum Stretch

Uses Scalable Locally Injective Mapping (SLIM). This tries to minimize distortion for both areas and angles.

Rellenar huecos

Virtually fill holes in the mesh before unwrapping, to better avoid overlaps and preserve symmetry.

Usar subdivisión de superficie

Use the new vertex positions that were calculated by the Modificador Subdividir superficie (rather than the original positions from before any modifiers are run).

Corregir proporción

By default, when you unwrap a square face onto a non-square texture, the face will appear stretched. You can enable Correct Aspect to prevent this. Note that for this to work, the mesh should have a material with an Nodo Imagen, and this node should be selected in the Nodos de sombreado.

Iterations Minimum Stretch

Number of iterations for the Minimum Stretch method, where each iteration reduces the distortion further.

No Flip Minimum Stretch

Disallow flipping faces. Allowing it sometimes results in less distortion when there are pins.

Importance Weights Minimum Stretch

Lets you specify a vertex group to manually influence the size of certain faces in the UV map. Faces around high-weight vertices will take up more space in the UV map than ones around low-weight vertices.

When enabling this option, two more appear:

Weight Group

The name of the vertex group to use.

Weight Factor

A global factor to multiply all the weights by. A bigger number will result in a more exaggerated difference between high-weight and low-weight areas.

Método de margen

The meaning of the Margin parameter, which determines the size of the empty space between UV islands.


The Margin is a more or less arbitrary measure with no direct relation to the sizes of the UV islands or the texture.


As above, but without the internally calculated scaling factor.


The Margin is a fraction of the UV bounds. This means that, if you have a 1024x1024 texture and set the Margin to 1/1024, each UV island will have a margin of 1 pixel around it (and islands will be no closer than 2 pixels to each other).


How much empty space to leave between islands. Controlled by Margin Method.

Proyección UV inteligente



3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Unwrap ‣ Smart UV Project



Examines the angles between the selected faces, cuts them along any sharp edges, then projects each separated group of faces along its average normal and lays it out on the UV map. You can also set up seams for additional cutting. This is a good method for, say, mechanical objects or architecture.


Smart UV project on a truncated pyramid.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Límite angular

The maximum allowed angle between the normals of adjacent faces before they’re split off from each other. A low limit will create lots of small UV islands with little distortion, while a high limit will create a few large islands with potentially more distortion.

Método de margen

The meaning of the Island Margin parameter, which determines the size of the empty space between UV islands.


The Island Margin is a more or less arbitrary measure with no direct relation to the sizes of the UV islands or the texture.


As above, but without the internally calculated scaling factor.


The Island Margin is a fraction of the UV unit square. This means that, if you have a 1024x1024 texture and set the Island Margin to 1/1024, each UV island will have a margin of 1 pixel around it (and islands will be no closer than 2 pixels to each other).

Método de rotación
Alinear a eje

Automatically rotate to avoid wasting space.

Alinear a eje (horizontal)

Rotará las islas para que queden alineadas horizontalmente.

Alinear a eje (vertical)

Rotará las islas para que queden alineadas verticalmente.

Margen entre islas

How much empty space to leave between islands. Controlled by Margin Method.

Influencia según área

With a value of 0, the projection vector of each face group is simply the average of its face normals. With a value of 1, it’s an average that’s weighted using the faces” areas. Other values blend between the two.

Corregir proporción

By default, when you unwrap a square face onto a non-square texture, the face will appear stretched. You can enable Correct Aspect to prevent this. Note that for this to work, the mesh should have a material with an Nodo Imagen, and this node should be selected in the Nodos de sombreado.

Escalar hasta límites

Stretches the resulting UV map to fill the complete texture.

Empacar mapa de iluminación



3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Unwrap ‣ Lightmap Pack



Places each selected face separately on the UV map. Lightmaps are commonly used for baking lighting information into a texture for use in realtime rendering – as such, they prioritize using as much of the texture as possible, typically resulting in a disconnected and distorted UV map that would be unsuitable for manual texturing work.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Caras seleccionadas

Only unwraps the selected faces.

Todas las caras

Desenvolverá la malla completa.

Compartir espacio de texturizado

You can use Edición de varios objetos a la vez to generate UV maps for multiple meshes at the same time. When Share Texture Space is enabled, the UV maps won’t overlap each other, so that you can later use the same lightmap texture for all the meshes.

Nuevo mapa UV

Creates a new UV map instead of overwriting the currently selected one. See Mapas UV.

Calidad de empaque

Higher values result in a UV map that wastes less space (but also takes longer to calculate).


How much empty space to leave between the faces in the UV map.

Seguir cuadriláteros activos



3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Unwrap ‣ Follow Active Quads



Starts from the active quad and recursively attaches its neighboring, selected mesh quads to its pre-existing UV quad. Non-quad faces are ignored.


Because the active quad’s UV layout is left unchanged, you’ll typically want to make sure it has the same shape in the UV map as on the mesh before running this unwrap (e.g. by running another type of unwrap on just that face). Otherwise, the distortion will spread to all the other faces.


The resulting UV map may go out of bounds. You can fix this by manually scaling it down or by using Empacar islas.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Modo longitud bordes

How to calculate the lengths of the UV edges for the newly attached quads.


Give each new UV edge the same length as the UV edge it’s extending, regardless of its length on the mesh.


Give each new UV edge a length that’s proportional to its length on the mesh.

Longitud promedio

Give each new UV edge a length that’s proportional to the average edge length in its edge ring on the mesh.

Proyección cúbica



3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Desplegar ‣ Proyección cúbica



Projects each selected face onto the most suitable side of a virtual cube, then places all these sides in the UV map, overlapping each other. If you don’t want them to overlap, you can use Empacar islas.

El cubo se encuentra centrado en el Pivote y alineado a los ejes locales de la malla.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Tamaño cubo

The size of the cube to project onto.

Corregir proporción

By default, when you unwrap a square face onto a non-square texture, the face will appear stretched. You can enable Correct Aspect to prevent this. Note that for this to work, the mesh should have a material with an Nodo Imagen, and this node should be selected in the Nodos de sombreado.

Recortar hasta límites

Moves any out-of-bounds UVs to the nearest border.

Escalar hasta límites

Stretches the resulting UV map to fill the complete texture.

Proyección cilíndrica



3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Desplegar ‣ Proyección cilíndrica



Projects the selected faces onto a virtual cylinder, then unrolls that cylinder. The cylinder is centered on the Pivote, which is normally the averaged-out position of the selected faces; however, you can also move it to a different place using e.g. the Cursor 3D.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Dirección, Alinear

The direction of the cylinder’s central axis.

Vista en ecuador

Use an axis that’s perpendicular to the viewing direction in the 3D Viewport. If Align is Polar ZX, use the vertical axis of the viewing plane; if it’s Polar ZY, use the horizontal one.

Vista en polos

Use an axis that’s parallel to the viewing direction in the 3D Viewport. Depending on Align, the cylinder will be rotated by 90° around its axis and the UV map will be shifted horizontally by a quarter.

Alinear a objeto

Use the object’s local Z axis. Depending on Align, the cylinder will be rotated by 90° around its axis and the UV map will be shifted horizontally by a quarter.


How to handle vertices that lie on the cylinder’s central axis.


Place all UV versions of the vertex at the same U coordinate. This tends to result in heavily distorted UV faces.


Place each UV version of the vertex at a U coordinate that minimizes distortion.


Unwrapping the top of a dome.


Pole set to Pinch.


Pole set to Fan.

Preservar costuras

Cut the mesh along its seams before projecting.


Half the height of the cylinder (i.e. not its radius; we’re only using the cylinder for projection, so its radius doesn’t matter).

Corregir proporción

By default, when you unwrap a square face onto a non-square texture, the face will appear stretched. You can enable Correct Aspect to prevent this. Note that for this to work, the mesh should have a material with an Nodo Imagen, and this node should be selected in the Nodos de sombreado.

Recortar hasta límites

Moves any out-of-bounds UVs to the nearest border.

Escalar hasta límites

Stretches the resulting UV map to fill the complete texture.

Proyección esférica



3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Desplegar ‣ Proyección esférica



Projects the selected faces onto a virtual sphere, then flattens that sphere much like a world map: the latitude lines vertical and the longitude lines evenly spaced. This is useful for texturing spherical shapes such as eyes or planets.

The sphere is centered on the Pivote, which is normally the averaged-out position of the selected faces; however, you can also move it to a different place using e.g. the Cursor 3D.


Usando una imagen equirrectangular con una Proyección esférica.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:

Dirección, Alinear

The direction of the sphere’s vertical axis.

Vista en ecuador

Use an axis that’s perpendicular to the viewing direction in the 3D Viewport. If Align is Polar ZX, use the vertical axis of the viewing plane; if it’s Polar ZY, use the horizontal one.

Vista en polos

Use an axis that’s parallel to the viewing direction in the 3D Viewport. Depending on Align, the sphere will be rotated by 90° around its vertical axis and the UV map will be shifted horizontally by a quarter.

Alinear a objeto

Use the object’s local Z axis. Depending on Align, the sphere will be rotated by 90° around its vertical axis and the UV map will be shifted horizontally by a quarter.


How to handle vertices that lie on the sphere’s vertical axis. (See Proyección cilíndrica for an example.)


Place all UV versions of the vertex at the same U coordinate. This tends to result in heavily distorted UV faces.


Place each UV version of the vertex at a U coordinate that minimizes distortion.

Preservar costuras

Cut the mesh along its seams before projecting.

Corregir proporción

By default, when you unwrap a square face onto a non-square texture, the face will appear stretched. You can enable Correct Aspect to prevent this. Note that for this to work, the mesh should have a material with an Nodo Imagen, and this node should be selected in the Nodos de sombreado.

Recortar hasta límites

Moves any out-of-bounds UVs to the nearest border.

Escalar hasta límites

Stretches the resulting UV map to fill the complete texture.

Proyectar desde la vista



Vista 3D


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Proyectar desde la vista



Projects the selected faces onto the view plane. The UV map essentially becomes a wireframe picture of the mesh, taken in the 3D Viewport at the current viewing angle. Use this option if you are using a picture of a real object as a texture. You will get stretching in areas where the model recedes away from you.


The Ajustar última operación panel allows fine control over how the mesh is unwrapped:


Use an Orthographic projection instead of Perspective.

Límites de cámara

Map the borders of the image that would be rendered through the current camera to the borders of the UV map. This option only has an effect when viewing the scene through the camera; see Visualización desde la cámara activa.

Corregir proporción

By default, when you unwrap a square face onto a non-square texture, the face will appear stretched. You can enable Correct Aspect to prevent this. Note that for this to work, the mesh should have a material with an Nodo Imagen, and this node should be selected in the Nodos de sombreado.

Recortar hasta límites

Moves any out-of-bounds UVs to the nearest border.

Escalar hasta límites

Stretches the resulting UV map to fill the complete texture.

Proyectar desde la vista (hasta límites)



Vista 3D


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Proyectar desde la vista (hasta límites)



Igual que Proyectar desde la vista, pero con la opción Escalar hasta límites activada de forma predefinida.




3D Viewport, UV Editor


Modo Edición


UV ‣ Restablecer



Resets the UV layout of each selected face to fill the whole UV area.