Scene strips are a way to insert the render output of another scene into your sequence. Instead of rendering out a video, then inserting the video file, you can insert the scene directly.
The strip length will be determined based on the animation settings in that scene.
Scene strips cannot be used to reference the sequence’s own scene; a secondary scene must be used instead.
Adición de clips de escena¶
Existing scenes strips can be added from the
. New scenes can also be created directly from the add menu with .Opciones
- Fotograma Inicial
El primer fotograma en donde comenzará el clip de escena.
- Canal
El canal en donde colocar al clip.
- Reemplazar selección
Reemplazará al clip activo con el nuevo clip de escena.
Al crear una nueva escena se tendrán las siguientes opciones:
- Tipo
Como la nueva escena es creada.
- Nuevo/a:
Creará un clip nuevo con una nueva escena vacía usando los valores predefinidos.
- Copiar opciones:
Add a new Strip, with an empty scene, and copy settings from the current scene.
- Copia vinculada:
Add a Strip and link in the collections from the current scene (shallow copy).
- Copia completa:
Add a Strip and make a full copy of the current scene.
- Escena
A Menú de bloque de datos to select or create the scene to render from.
- Entrada
Tipo de entrada usado para el clip de la escena.
- Cámara:
Use the Scene’s 3D camera as input.
- Editor de video:
Use the scene’s Sequencer timeline as input, allowing one scene to reuse another scene’s edit (instead of taking the render output from the scene).
This is similar to how Meta Strips work, with the added advantage of supporting multiple instances of the same data.
- Cámara
Esto se puede utilizar para reemplazar la cámara de la escena con cualquier otro objeto.
It is useful to support switching views within a single scene.
- Mostrar
- Anotaciones
Shows Annotations while in non-render Preview Shading Modes i.e. Solid or Wireframe mode.
- Transparente (o Transparencia)
Creates a transparent background. This is useful for doing overlays like rendering out Grease Pencil films via the Sequencer.
- Volumen del clip
Volume of the audio taken from the chosen scene.
Scene strips do not render individual Render Passes; only the Combined render pass will be used.