Modificador Suavizado correctivo

The Smooth Corrective modifier is used to reduce highly distorted areas of a mesh by smoothing the deformations.

This is typically useful after an Armature modifier, where distortion around joints may be hard to avoid, even with careful weight painting.

To use this modifier effectively, it is important to understand the basics of how it works.

Estado de reposo

Used as a reference to detect highly distorted areas. The original vertex locations are used by default.


Many options for this modifier relate to smoothing which is used internally to correct the distorted regions.



The Smooth Corrective modifier.


The factor to control the smoothing amount. Higher values will increase the effect.

Values outside expected range (above 1.0 or below 0.0) will distort the mesh.


The number of smoothing iterations, equivalent to executing the Smooth tool multiple times.


Additional scaling factor to increase the size of the mesh. This is useful because sometimes the Smooth Corrective modifier will introduce volume loss, especially when used with a rig.

Tipo de suavizado

Permitirá seleccionar el método de suavizado a ser usado.


This simply relaxes vertices to their connected edges.

Influencia por longitud

Uses a method of relaxing that weights by the distance of surrounding vertices. This option can give higher quality smoothing in some cases, by better preserving the shape of the original form.

Grupo de vértices

If set, restrict the effect to the only vertices in that vertex group. This allows for selective, real-time smoothing, by painting vertex weights.

Sólo suavizar

This option is included to preview the smoothing used, before correction is applied.

Fijar los límites

Prevent boundary vertices from smoothing.

Origen de reposo

Select the source for reference vertex positions that defines the non-deformed state.

Coordenadas originales

Use the original input vertex positions. This relies on the original mesh having the same number of vertices as the input, modified mesh.

Coordenadas de enlace

Optionally you may bind the modifier to a specific state. This is required when there are constructive modifiers such as Subdivision Surface or Mirror in the stack before this modifier.


An example of a rig using bone envelopes and not weight painting.

Esqueleto solo.


Esqueleto y Suavizado correctivo.