Trazar imagen a Grease Pencil¶
- Modo:
Modo Objeto
- Menú:
The Trace Image to Grease Pencil tool traces a black and white image and generates Grease Pencil strokes. If the image is not black and white, it will be internally converted. For better results, convert the images manually to black and white. Also try to keep the resolution of the image small; high resolutions can produce very dense strokes.
Agregar una Imagen de Referencia a la escena.
Ejecutar Trazar imagen a Grease Pencil.
- Objetivo
Determines if the image empty is kept or replaced.
New Object: Creates a new Grease Pencil object and keeps the image empty Selected Object: Replaces the image empty with the Grease Pencil object.
- Radio
The thickness of the generated Grease Pencil strokes.
- Umbral de color
Determine the Luminance threshold above which strokes are generated.
- Política de giro
Determines how to resolve ambiguities during decomposition of an image into paths.
- Negro:
Prioritizes to connect black (foreground) components.
- Blanco:
Prioritizes to connect white (background) components.
- Izquierda:
Always take a left turn.
- Derecha:
Always take a right turn.
- Minoría:
Prioritizes to connect the color (black or white) that occurs least frequently in the local neighborhood of the current position.
- Mayoría:
Prioritizes to connect the color (black or white) that occurs most frequently in the local neighborhood of the current position.
- Aleatorio:
Choose pseudo-randomly.
- Modo
Determines if the image being traced is a single image or image sequence.
- Individual:
The image empty is a single image or the current frame of an image sequence.
- Secuencia:
The image empty is an Image Sequence.
- Iniciar en fotograma actual
Cuando se encuentre activa, iniciará el procedimiento de trazado en el fotograma actual de la imagen.
- Trazar fotograma
Used to trace only one frame of the image sequence, set to zero to trace all.